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  1. getinjr

    Glass Cover w/ MH

    i've always wondered the same, My halides are 5 in. off the water line. But still wonder if the glass takes away some of the affect,no problems yet!
  2. getinjr

    Red Legs vs Blue Legs

    you may want to get some shells for them to grow into also, the blue legs can grow pretty fast and will eat the scarlets out of house and home,fyi
  3. getinjr

    Input to resolve nitrate problem and discover source of the problem

    If you have lr you shouldn't need bioballs,they could be a direct result for the nitrates!I would slowly remove them.
  4. getinjr

    watts per gallon limit?

    i have over 10 watts per gallon in my 40,mh and vho actinics.
  5. getinjr


    I'm thinking of buying a rodi unit,just wanting some pros & cons and the best units to purchase,thanks
  6. getinjr

    Michigander question again

    I used to work at a softdrink company, with the right hookup they could probably fix u up.
  7. getinjr

    please help im a newbie

    make sure you are reeding everything you can about what you want to do, Whether it be a fish only tank or a reef. YOu may want to toss the bioballs and buy some liverock to get your tank turned over! SSAVE YOURSELF THE MONEY AND RESEARCH! i know it would saved me some cash.
  8. getinjr

    Let there be Light

    I have 40 gal. long and use 2-175 mh true 10000k german with 60 watt no actinics.tank is almost 4 months old and have tons of shrooms,1 short tent plate, and a feather. everything is doing great my liverock since lighting upgrade from no's has really come to life with some really outstanding...
  9. getinjr

    look here

    happy weekend and good reefkeeping to you all, just in a good mood , Love to the reef!
  10. getinjr

    Coral Banded on the prowel

    my cbs claimed a damsel,will even jump at me if i come to the glass, But i've had no other problems with other inverts nor the only other fish I have(true percula).
  11. getinjr

    What kind of MH bulbs to use?

    I have 2 175mh 10000k true germans(no pun),I love the color,i also have vho actinics to bring out a true underwater picture!
  12. getinjr


    another thing about getting the cleanup crew before your other lr is it a pain moving all those criitters around trying to get your rock where you want it.
  13. getinjr

    purle jelly substance of substrate

    thanx,and no money amount matters when it comes to my underwaterworld. two words or one,who cares!
  14. getinjr

    purle jelly substance of substrate

    I usually use the water tap purifier,a week ago though I had to buy some distilled from the store,hope this was the only problem.
  15. getinjr

    purle jelly substance of substrate

    no I have not,but i will!
  16. getinjr

    purle jelly substance of substrate

    purple jelly substance on substrate,40 gal,0's except nitrate 20-40ppm,cleaner crew,percula clown,duster,plate(heliofungia),,over 10 watts/gal. not worried just wondering!
  17. getinjr

    Feathur Duster Health

    mine is not in direct current but enough current to make the feathers sway,seems to do fine
  18. getinjr

    Lighting Decision/Feedback Pls

    ihave 2 mh175 and have one fan sucking in fresh air and one blowing out,so far no problems.