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  1. tumtum707

    HELPPPPPP....... Lice in my tank....

    I need helpppp...... ok i have lice in my tank you know those little rollie pollie looking things that are brown and attaches to your fish.... i have a fish only tank with live rocks and clout wouldnt work because it says its not good with live rocks so does anybody have any solutions please...
  2. tumtum707

    Let me see yours

    Im redoing my 125g tank and I wanna get some ideas so let me see what you guys got.. Post your pics...
  3. tumtum707

    A 12 pack from Thomas? No Way!

    you have a full tank shot?
  4. tumtum707


    you guys think its ok to have a dogface, foxface, 3 triggers, a juvenile imperator and maybe a lionfish in a 125gallon
  5. tumtum707


    YOu guys think its ok to put a Clown Trigger, Queen Trigger, and a Bursa Trigger with a 4inch imperator juvenile angel?
  6. tumtum707


  7. tumtum707


    My nitrate levels are normal and i have a reverse osmosis when i do water changes you think i could be over feeding them?
  8. tumtum707


    I have a 125 gallon fish FOWLR tank and on my white reef sand theres this brown stuff on it. My fish tank is completely cycled been done for about 4 months now so whats the problem and what fish or inverts can clean the sand.
  9. tumtum707

    HELPPP..... Please.....!

    Theres no clean up crew for this to also add?
  10. tumtum707

    HELPPP..... Please.....!

    Uhh... Damn I didnt even know that... Other than water changes how else can you fix this problem... And if it is the whole cycle isnt finished is it algae or what?
  11. tumtum707

    HELPPP..... Please.....!

    Hey I have a pretty new 125gallon FOWLR and I have only 3 heniochus butterflies and for some reason there is this brown stuff spreading on my sand and rock I was wondering is this some sort of algae because its spreading pretty quick and is there some way to stop this? My tank has only been...
  12. tumtum707

    Just Wondering...!

    yeah i have some bio balls some live rocks and a protein skimmer
  13. tumtum707

    Just Wondering...!

    I was just wondering if I can put some fish in my tank even though i just cycling my water for one week and i have live rocks in my tank today so is it ok...
  14. tumtum707


    ok i just put like 75 pounds of white marine sand in my fish tank and i forgot to pre-soak it and now there is a lot of air pockets and clumps in my sand how do you get it out???
  15. tumtum707

    Angels and Triggers

    I was wondering if it is ok to have an Emperor Angel in its juvenile state with two Heniochus Butterflies and later with a Humu Humu Trigger?
  16. tumtum707

    My New Nano 12g Looking for opinions...

    Naw i dont have a crack in my hood... you have any pictures of your tank?
  17. tumtum707

    My New Nano 12g Looking for opinions...

    Naw i didnt change my lighting on my nano... its still the same lighting its the deluxe with the combo lighting...
  18. tumtum707

    My New Nano 12g Looking for opinions...

    That sounds pretty cool but wat is a ploy filter? yea and those are star polyps, daisy polyps and some zoos up on top of the tank. i also have kenya tree too.
  19. tumtum707

    Ick Treatment

    My damsels have ick and i cant use medication to cure it because i have live corals and inverts. i was wondering how would you cure it. and will the ick parasites always be in my tank even if ick isnt present on the fish.
  20. tumtum707

    My New Nano 12g Looking for opinions...

    I was also wondering would it be good if i get a Protein Skimmer for my tank and a surface skimmer?