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  1. wpost2

    Cowfish Longhorn....

    thanks for all the great info! i'll take all of this into account.
  2. wpost2

    Cowfish Longhorn....

    I plan on upgrading my tank size in roughly a year or two, so I'm fine with him growing larger. As to you saying he won't like live rock, what exactly do you mean by that? Btw, I edited my profile, it was a bit outdated.
  3. wpost2

    Cowfish Longhorn....

    So I am going to get a Cowfish Longhorn, and I hear he requires feeding three times a day. What exactly does this mean? I need to feed him a third of the normal amount three separate times a day? Or a normal amount of food three times a day? If it is the latter, then wouldn't I be...
  4. wpost2

    Moving my tank..

    do i have to worry about my cycles getting reset or anything like that? and what about filling it with new water, is that going to mess with anything?
  5. wpost2

    My happy nemo couple are having relationship issues..

    ok well that's good. how long will this delightful process take?
  6. wpost2

    Cleaning up fish droppings?

    ok that makes me feel better, because i've never cleaned up the fish poop either. my girlfriend pointed out the other day that my lawnmower blenny just dropped a steaming pile and that it looked gross. she asked me how i cleaned the sand of these gifts, and i said i never did. that being...
  7. wpost2

    Moving my tank..

    I'm moving my tank in 2 weeks (only 5 minutes down the road, so it's a short distance). I've got a 40 gal FOWLR with around 30 lbs of live rock, and an inch of live sand. My fish are 2 false perc clownfish, 1 valentini puffer, 1 lawnmower blenny. I have an Octopus HOB protein skimmer and an...
  8. wpost2

    Cleaning up fish droppings?

    Dumb question I know, but with live sand how does one clean fish droppings off of it without taking bits of sand away with it as well? Do you just let the protein skimmer handle this, or is there some tool I should be using?
  9. wpost2

    how can i get a slew of copepods?

    so ill have to buy them? how are they stored, and how long will one "batch" last for one mandarin?
  10. wpost2

    how can i get a slew of copepods?

    i have a 40 gal FOWLR that i would like to house 1 mandarin goby in at some point in the future. what would be the most efficient route of ramping up a healthy, self sufficient and replenishing community of copepods to feed my future tie-dye amigo?
  11. wpost2

    My happy nemo couple are having relationship issues..

    Originally Posted by sepulatian "Meanemo" is turning into "shenemo". Clownfish change gender. The dominant one is turning into a female. The male will take quite a beating before it is all over. Keep the water pristine and feed quality foods soaked in vitamins. Keep them as healthy as possible...
  12. wpost2

    My happy nemo couple are having relationship issues..

    So I got a pair of nemo fish roughly 4 or so months ago, and they've been quite happy together, always swimming around in a pair and such. Lately I've noticed that one of the two, now aptly named "Meanemo" is constantly nipping at the other one's top fin. He just barrels towards him from...
  13. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    well if it resets my tank cycle i dont think that really matters anyway, im going to be home for two weeks during christmas time so i should probably wait until after that to get my fish anyway. how long is a full cycle? 3 - 4 wks?
  14. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    if i add more rock is it going to restart my cycle?
  15. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    should i put in more rock?
  16. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    sigh. i am so sick of this. i hear very mixed reviews about canister filters, i have no clue what to do, lol. some say they are great some say terrible....but the vast majority of the reviews i have read are very positive.
  17. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    i think ill stick with the canister filter.
  18. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    i highly doubt i can return my canister at this point (been running almost 2 wks now), so i'd really rather not go down that path unless it is absolutely necessary.
  19. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    i have half an inch behind my tank, i have no room for a fuge i say! =P as for your live rock comment, i can most certainly put some more in, if that would help the situation? maybe another 10 lbs? and im not buying fish anytime soon dont worry bout that. may wait till after new years...
  20. wpost2

    New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

    arent those huge? and anyway at this point id be surprised if i could return this canister. is this thing that bad that i really would need to return it?