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  1. puff daddy

    Porcupins Puffers...

    i have a 55 to move him to and also will be moving him to a 125 this summer when i get my 180 set up. But no i thought the size was fine for him. The guy at the lfs said he would be fine and i am very new to this... So THANKS for your advise. Just how big will he get? he is about 2 years old now...
  2. puff daddy

    Porcupins Puffers...

    okay my wife says he is only 5 inches if that... and no the damsel was added later... way later./.. we do have a 55g tank but do not have it set up yet.
  3. puff daddy

    Porcupins Puffers...

    ok i did leave out one small detail he has a small blue devil damsel living in the tank with him who he doesnt bother. I can throw feeder goldfish in and he will eat them.
  4. puff daddy

    Porcupins Puffers...

    I have a porcupine puffer that is about 8 inches long and was thinking on getting another but wasnt sure if i could put a small one who is around 3 inches long in the same tank ... 36 bow front.. Anyone???
  5. puff daddy

    Excalibur Skimmer....

    THANKS i got it...
  6. puff daddy

    Looking for a Protein Skimmer...

    Yes it is a hang on, a HV2 sorry. it has a Rio pump but I cant find any other numbers. I looked the skimmer up and some web sites say a Rio 1700 which I ordered but it is way to big in size. My pump is a very small pump like maybe 2 inches by 2 inches. THANKS for your help.
  7. puff daddy

    Looking for a Protein Skimmer...

    I need a protein skimmer for my 125 salt. Have an Excalibur HV02 but the stupid pump went out and i can seem to find anyone with one. So does anyone have a skimmer? Hang on or sump...
  8. puff daddy

    Excalibur Skimmer....

    Ok i have a hang on back excalibur fliter for my 125 salt. My pump is working but the shaft in it broke. I ordered a new pump thinking it would be better than just replacing the impellor per a company and when it got here it was a Rio 1700 which he looked up for me and i also looked at several...
  9. puff daddy

    Please help, missing fish

    I lost three with no sign and thought my green carpet anemone ate them but who knows. Bought 2 more and now they are fine and still with me.
  10. puff daddy

    Yellow Tang

    bought my small yellow tang 3 weeks ago and he as well stayed hide for several days, 3 i think, but did eat off the back of the tank some. Now he is a regular out in front at feeding time. Give him some time.
  11. puff daddy

    porcupine puffer...

    Originally Posted by AW2 We'd need info on your tank. Size, filtration, water speces, tank mates, etc. Sorry... 36 gal bow front, Emp 200 on back and a small skimmer i dont remember the name. No tank mates. Everything looks good except the nitrates which are high and i am trying to get in...
  12. puff daddy

    porcupine puffer...

    I have a puffer that hasnt eaten in 2-3 days. I am worried about him and was wondering if anyone else has had a problem like this and what did you do? The nitrates are a little high and i thought this might be why i am doing water changes regular and trying to get them back down. HELP.
  13. puff daddy

    Replacing PC...

  14. puff daddy

    Replacing PC...

    Originally Posted by havitmyway you take them out and put the new ones in!!!! i know it might sound hard but its not ...stagger the bulbs :notsure: Really that is what i do? I had not a clue.. I know how to replace just not how many at a time. Yes 8 bulbs total.
  15. puff daddy

    Replacing PC...

    Okay i know that i should not replace ALL of my bulbs at once. I have 4 blue and 4 white PC's, how do I need to go about replacing them? Two at a time one of each color? Thanks for advise...
  16. puff daddy

    Red Slime...

    nevermind just read all of Justin's post will start trying that.
  17. puff daddy

    Red Slime...

    Ok, i have a big red slime problem. I have tried chemi-clean that helps but only for a little while then it is back with a venegence. What i have... 125 saltwater reef tank. Blue Regal, Koran Angel, 2 green chromies, several turbos and hermits, 2 starsfish, 2 sand sifting stars. I think that...