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  1. jumpfrog

    Liquid Cal. Or Kalk Drip??

    Sorry, it took a few days before I could get back to this site. Thanks for the complement on the clarity but I'm not sure I have a specific answer. Just running some carbon in a canister filter. The rest of the system is just a normal sump with a skimmer and a refugium. If sand is blowing...
  2. jumpfrog

    Liquid Cal. Or Kalk Drip??

    That makes sense. It's tough when you don't have a ready source. Based on your stocking plan I don't think you have to worry about a bunch of supplements. Your consistent water changes should provide most everything you need. If there is one recommendation I would make it would be a good two...
  3. jumpfrog

    Call Me An Idiot

    Possibly a meat coral that's squished laying on it's side. Hard to tell. Don't think I would let it stay on the sand. Can you place it with the rock side down. Could be a bubble coral, but again laying on it's side and on the sand is not a good thing. If it's either they like medium to strong...
  4. jumpfrog

    Liquid Cal. Or Kalk Drip??

    Here's my shot at a simple answer and please don't think of it as a smart alek answer. Don't add anything to the tank you cannot test for. A calcium, KH, ph test kit is essential. Once things are up and and running and you have the animals in the tank you plant to add for awhile, test those...
  5. jumpfrog

    foxface lo in reef

    A very good citizen!
  6. jumpfrog

    electric green fragspawn

    Don't mean to hijack the thread, but are you saying that my 'frogspawn' is really a grape coral?
  7. jumpfrog

    Will this bubble coral make it?

    Might try mysid shrimp. Mine loves it.
  8. jumpfrog

    electric green fragspawn

    Not a clear picture but the tips are green. I would think $89 is a bit much for a couple of heads. The 2nd picture is clearer but the coral is smaller. Is this the type you're considering?
  9. jumpfrog


    I've been using a Kent Nautilus, in sump model. I've been very happy with it. But, I'm sure you'll get many opinions on this one. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    75 stocking list

    Not too crazy about the damsel. If it gets mean, and most do, you'll have a heck of time getting him out. A pajama cardinal would go nice.
  11. jumpfrog

    anyone know of an AllGlass canopy in stock?

    The website has a dealer locator. Have you tried that? When I wanted a 72 bow and none was in stock by LFS had it in less than a week after I ordered it. Do you have a time crunch?
  12. jumpfrog

    is this good lighting?

    IMO, an excellent choice!
  13. jumpfrog

    Retrofitting a NO Hood

    Thanks a bunch! That's my project for today.
  14. jumpfrog

    what type of water

    Have you checked with your local fish store LFS for RO water?
  15. jumpfrog

    Float Switch

    Yep. A float switch I have similar switch for my water top off system. The pump from the water top off resevoir is connected to a float switch. If the water level drops too low, the switch turns off the pump. I'll attach a pic. The same switch can be used in your sump. You set the float...
  16. jumpfrog

    Retrofitting a NO Hood

    Exactly what I was thinking of doing. Glad to hear it worked. From an electrical standpoint I think it's a no brainer. My biggest concern was heat. I think the reflector can handle it though. Thanks
  17. jumpfrog

    Sump or canister filter?

    Here's my $.02. Sump is the better way to go: 1. Adds more water volume 2. Increased flexibility for equipment 3. Keeps equipment out of the tank Canisters are great for freshwater as they nitrate levels don't have as much of an impact on freshwater fish as they do for saltwater. Especially...
  18. jumpfrog

    Float Switch

    I guess I don't completely understand your question about a float vavle for your wet dry. Your overflow should be set to where all of the water that could come out of your tank would fit into your sump. If you have built in overflows and can't adjust the height then you must size your sump to...
  19. jumpfrog


    As a general rule canisters are not looked upon as being that great for a reef tank. They trap things so well that they can become nitrate factories. Large amounts of LR is probably the best filtration. I do however use a Ehiem Pro which is a canister but I only run carbon in it and change it...
  20. jumpfrog

    Retrofitting a NO Hood

    Anyone have any thoughts?