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  1. jumpfrog


    I had trouble catching some peppermints a while back to get out of refugium. I took a small piece of shrimp and put it in a net. Waited for the shrimp to go munching and pulled the net and peppermints out. Might work for you. Good Luck!
  2. jumpfrog

    How do you do it?

    If you're not losing too much water to evaporation, say 1 gallon a day or so, you could fill up some water jugs with RO to have available for top offs. Then a couple days before your water change just add salt to you large RO container. Do your water change and then let the RO unit fill up you...
  3. jumpfrog


    I've not come across stories of CBS attacking small fish, but I guess it could happen. Might try trading the CBS in with LFS and get another cleaner. Then you would have no worries. Good Luck!
  4. jumpfrog

    weekly dosing?

    Regular water changes should be all you need. No calcium hungry animals in that group. The best thing to do to determine if you need to dose is to test. Regular test for calc and alk. If they stay in good ranges then you don't need to add anything. If you see them sliding out of range then...
  5. jumpfrog


    I see no problem with it. They're considered cleaners so most reef safe fish won't bother them.
  6. jumpfrog

    what would you add

    You're probably close to being full. With that said, a clown takes up little space and has low bioload. I can't remember which one's prefer BTAs that would make a good choice.
  7. jumpfrog

    broken filter--what now??

    Even a small HOB power filter will provide you with the ability to run carbon or other media. I wouldn't use floss or if I did I would clean/change it out often. It's not possible to replace parts on your canister to get it back up?
  8. jumpfrog

    Skimmer on a FOWLR

    Depending on the bio load. How many/size fish? How much water in the entire system? A high load will increase organics leading to algeal blooms, poor water clarity and the fish could become stressed. The need is subjective. I ran a 125 fish only and the amount of skimmate produced was amazing...
  9. jumpfrog

    EMERGENCY!! Filter down

    I wouldn't worry unless it was your primary source of bio filtration. The amount of rock and sand you have should take care of things. How long has the tank been running?
  10. jumpfrog

    Please post pics

    Here's my 125
  11. jumpfrog

    Water change question???

    If possible let your new water age a day, preferably with water movement via a power head or air pump. Unless you're using a refractometer you can't be sure of the accuracy of your salinity. After your water ages you may see a different ph reading. You'll want them close. I'm curious. You're...
  12. jumpfrog

    sump or canister

    Ideally the live rock should do most of your biological filtration, the most important. Your mechanical filtration can come from a variety of methods. Some use a filter pad in there sump and clean it often. Others use sponges and clean often. Chemical filtration, if you use it can be a...
  13. jumpfrog

    torch coral lighting?

    If placed up high enough in your 36 that should work ok. I've never seen a definition of lighting (ie low, moderate, high) equated to a particular wattage. Too many other factors. In a tank that size you can make your adjustments by placing the coral appropriately. I'd put it in somewhere...
  14. jumpfrog

    IM GETTING A 120!! FINALLY.....questions though.

    The 400's could work but I would be a little concerned about intensite and heat in that shallow of a tank. Most seem to think 250s are good for that depth, but I'm not an expert on that. I use the Kent Nautilus for my 125 and I've been very happy with it. Not teribly pricey and combined with a...
  15. jumpfrog

    Whats on my zoos

    Any way to get a clearer picture of the item you're concerned about? I don't see any tentacles in the picture so it could rule out aptasia.
  16. jumpfrog

    New 125 with internal skimmers???

    I have the same tank and use a Coralife sump. Works well and wasn't too pricey.
  17. jumpfrog


    Another option would be to buy the fish when you want and quarentine 3 to 4 weeks. You can have your cake and eat it too so to speak. If your tank is mature you can probably add fish weekly as long as they aren't so large as to over power your bacteria colony. The quarentie thing reduces your...
  18. jumpfrog

    sump or canister

    My vote goes to sump. Too many features to name. What do you plan to put in the 75?
  19. jumpfrog

    Shrooms and zoos

    I like. The colored zoos are on my wish list.
  20. jumpfrog

    IM GETTING A 120!! FINALLY.....questions though.

    Wow! A bunch of questions. Let me try to help a little. Drilling isn't the only option. A hang on overflow will work just as well and will probably be cheaper in the long run but that's just an option. Are you planning on have a sump system? Or were you just drilling to have a closed loop...