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  1. jumpfrog

    Colt looking bad

    I give mine medium flow, nothing pointing directly at them. The polyps stay open and it looks healthy.
  2. jumpfrog


    I always do LFS, but others say they've done good on the net. I want to see what I'm buying so that's my main reason.
  3. jumpfrog

    The Past

    Cool book. I came across it at a flea market a couple of years ago. Filled with what is considered dated material and techniques for today but it was cool to look through none the less.
  4. jumpfrog

    Aggressive Skimming

    I've seen this term thrown around a bit lately to address various water quality issues. However, I'm not sure what is meant by it. I currently have my skimmer tuned to provide very dry bubbles with very thick and nasty skimmate. Would that be considered aggressive? I've also in the past had the...
  5. jumpfrog

    Colt looking bad

    What kind of water movement on or around the colt?
  6. jumpfrog

    leather coral that wax over

    Usually one to three days. They slough off from time to time. Normal stuff for leathers.
  7. jumpfrog

    What fish to get next???...

    My vote is for a nice fairy wrasse or perhaps a sixline wrasse. Move all the time and get along well with others. Good Luck!
  8. jumpfrog

    adding clowns with clowns?

    I think tank size would make a difference. I had a tomato clown in a 125. Added a pair of skunk clowns, and then later added a pair of perculas. No problems from any of them. The skunks and percs stayed in one area of the tank while the tomato, four times the size of the others patrols the...
  9. jumpfrog

    What order???

    Size of the fish you get may have some impact in regard to the angels and tang. As for the others it won't matter. As for the butterfly. I would wait until next year. Seriously. They are hard to keep and you want your system to be very stable with excellent water conditions. Good luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    Just introducing myself.

    Nothing to add but a hearty welcome!
  11. jumpfrog

    Cleaning Barrells

    I cleaned mine a while back when I did some renovation work. I just washed out real good with fresh water that contained just a little bleach. Rinsed very well and let sit dry for a week to make sure all traces of clorine were gone. Rinsed well again and started using them. That might have...
  12. jumpfrog

    New To This

    That's a lot of fish to add at once and you'll get differing opionions from folks on the tang. I personally think a yellow will do fine in a 55. Kept mine happy in a 72, 4' as well for several years. As for the inverts. Nope! They'll be meals for both the huma and lion. If you decide to go...
  13. jumpfrog

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish?

    All lions are predators. Depending on the size will eat anything that fit in it's mouth. Which can get pretty large by the way. I just don't see a good outcome keeping a lion with clowns or shrimp. Meals waiting to happen. Yes, lions can ge trained to take frozen foods. It's much easier if...
  14. jumpfrog

    OMG!!! This is the freakiest thing you will see....Need help!!!

    That was my first thought. It's called a surgeon fish due to the scalpels it has on its sides right before the tail. They can be extended like a switchblade knife and are very sharp. That is how tangs protect themselves and they will swing their tail at aggressors. However, I thought this case...
  15. jumpfrog

    salinity question

    Stability is more important than whether its 1.023 or 1.025. Just keep it stable and consistent in your water changes and you should be fine. Also, on your pictures you can use paint that comes with MS Windows. Go to start/accessories/paint. Use the pull down tools to change size. Good Luck!
  16. jumpfrog

    Fish eating your shrimp?

    What fish are in your tank?
  17. jumpfrog


    With that size tank I say yes. Good Luck!
  18. jumpfrog

    New lights equal hair algae?

    If you can find a couple (2) mexican turbo snails I would add them. No more than 2 though. They're great algea eaters but will starve if they don't have enough to eat. Of course, that just cleans up the look. Still have the source to deal with. Good Luck!
  19. jumpfrog


    What size tank?
  20. jumpfrog

    HELP! Powder Blue.

    I'm leaning towards the 'you're done' statement. There is a lot of body mass waiting to grow in that tank. And of course you know the reputation of the power blue's to begin with. Props to you on keeping the Achilles healthy.