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  1. jumpfrog

    How do I detach my soft coral?

    I recently moved a rock that had a part of the xenias stalk attached to it. Didn't realize it at first so it just ripped off and left a small 1/4' piece on the rock. In 3 days that spot sprouted what must be 15 tiny polyps. So in summary, no worries!
  2. jumpfrog

    Typhoon Owners, Help

    Thank you very much!
  3. jumpfrog

    Acclimating Coral

    Ditto for me on the temp aclimating. If the LFS light is significantly different from your DT I would acclimate to light to reduce stress on the coral. Start low and work your way up to get the right amount for the needs of the coral. Good Luck!
  4. jumpfrog

    post pics of tangs in tanks around 125 gallons

    A 125 with about a 4" yellow and a 6" foxface.
  5. jumpfrog


    Has anyone had a good experiences with microfauna purchases off the web? I'm not looking for particular sites due to respect for the board owners but I just wonder if the shipments provide enough animals to kick start the fuge.
  6. jumpfrog

    Tank Thinkin ........

    For fish only the pc's would be fine. Fish don't really care about light for the most part. The only advice I can give is go with as good a lighting system as you can afford. You never know when the reef bug bites you and then you have a new expense all over again. Also, if you're going with a...
  7. jumpfrog

    Typhoon Owners, Help

    That's a good point. I have a float in my good water barrel. When I pulled water from it, either for top off or to fill my salt barrel the float would do it's job and fill up the ro barrel. Once the float raised it would stop filling as designed. Therefore, I had no clue that the waste water...
  8. jumpfrog

    RO/DI units

    I have a typhoon III. Without the exception of a recent brain cramp (see other post) I average a $50 a month water bill. That is with a 125 reef with 16 gallon water changes every 2 weeks and a 72 gallon discus with 12 gallon water changes every 2 weeks. This is for a 4 bedroom with a pool...
  9. jumpfrog

    Typhoon Owners, Help

    OK, every now and again one must have a massive brain cramp. After seeing a $200 water bill I think I surpassed myself :mad: Evidently the unit just ran and ran and ran for a month or so. I recently moved my typhoon ro/di for some renovations. I can't remember the correct positions of all the...
  10. jumpfrog

    NO Bugs WHY?

    Bang Guy; The higher salinity is better for pod reproduction? I have the same issues as above and recently added about 7 lbs of fresh lr rubble. Still not seeing much in the way of micro fauna.
  11. jumpfrog

    Live rock question

    It's best to prepare your saltwater in advance. It really should be aereated for about 24 hours before use to allow for balancing. If you have the ability to make your water (barrel, trash can etc.) separate then you could arrange your rock in the tank and then add water. It's easier to...
  12. jumpfrog

    Flow through a fuge

    I'm curious as to why you have a ph in the fuge as well.' Did you have cyno issues that the extra ph helped with?
  13. jumpfrog

    Flow through a fuge

    Seems I'm stuck on fuge questions today. What would y'all recommend for a flow rate through a fuge. My set up is gravity fed by a maxi 900 with about a foot of head. Flow returns to DT through a bulkhead. Using a 28 gallon rubbermaid for the fuge itself. Thanks for your thoughts.
  14. jumpfrog

    Peppermints in a Fuge

    28 gallon rubbermaid. I think it's off to the display tank for them. 2 may be more than safe in that small a space. Thanks for your input. Denny......... ever do any shopping at Aquarium Designs in Hoover. Tien has done a great job with that place since he move. :cheer:
  15. jumpfrog

    mh lights over a 10 gal?

    A Coralife 96w PC costs less than $100 most places. Less heat, less cost and still plenty of light. Just a thought!
  16. jumpfrog

    Peppermints in a Fuge

    I added 5 peppermint shrimp to my fuge with the thought being that the eggs they lay would flow into the main system and provide a treat for the fish. Now I'm starting to second guess the decision as I'm concerned the peps might be decimating my pod population. Any thoughts on this?
  17. jumpfrog

    cleaning used items

    Soak the items in a solution of water and bleach. Rinse well and let them sit for a couple of days. Should be well disinfected and ready to go. Good Luck!
  18. jumpfrog

    Current VS Coralife MH/PC Combo

    I went with current and love it. No heat problems. The internal fans do a great job. Quiet and easy to maintain.
  19. jumpfrog

    first fish?!

    Either of those would be fine. I don't see a problem with adding them both at the same time. Not that much load for a 72 to start and both are generally hardy fish. Good Luck!
  20. jumpfrog

    first fish?!

    What is your long term plan? Reef or fowlr or aggressive? That decision will dictate where to start.