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  1. jumpfrog

    Big Problem

    You probably will need to mix up a few gallons to fill up your new tank. I would let your new water settle for about 24 hours before adding it. It won't hurt your new tank to run at less than full. Even if three quarters full or the minimum to let your filter run would be fine. So, once...
  2. jumpfrog

    Big Problem

    If the leak is that bad then that would be my recommendation. Starting with fresh sand and seeding a little from your old tank and adding your already cured live rock should minimize cycling compared to stirring up all of your old sand. I'd remove most of my water before I start moving...
  3. jumpfrog

    New Tank, new hobby - advice please!

    Have you considere having a drilled tank for your 55? That would allow you to have a sump system and minimize objects in/hanging off of your 'show' tank. The price up front is a bit more but the pay off is great. Even an overflow for a non-drilled tank with a sump is a better idea than just a...
  4. jumpfrog

    29 gal filtration

    Then your emperor is your only source of filtration. I would say keep you load small and feed sparingly. There is nothing wrong with adding LR even if you have a trigger.
  5. jumpfrog

    Is my water temp ok?

    How much and what kind of lights? Do you have a fan in your lighting system to offset the heat from the lamps? Steady is better than fluctuations. As for the right temp, that's a debate. The ocean doesn't have just one temperature, but, the changes usually take place very slowly so the...
  6. jumpfrog

    Rocks and sand?

    Base rock can be purchased on line, do a search for sources. Sometimes LFS will get some in. Yes, you can add mostly dead sand and seed it with live sand. The difference between dead and live is bacteria. By adding live sources LR or LS you're kick starting the bacteria growth process...
  7. jumpfrog

    Big Problem

    My concern would be about the spike incurred after moving that old live sand in one batch. A small portion of the sand would help to prepare the new tank. A spike in a big tank is one thing, I'd just be concerned about a large spike in a 10 gallon. But as said, if watched carefully it could...
  8. jumpfrog

    Another question from adding sand

    Good questions. If you can mix the water other than in the tank I would do that first. Even if you can't do all the mixing and let it sit for about 24 hours you can mix batches at a time and add them. First I would put in sand, then aquascape the rock to taste, then add the water. Put a plate...
  9. jumpfrog

    Big Problem

    If you remove about half of your water from the 10 gallon and save the water you should be able to move the tank to another surface. I've moved my office 10 gallon several times that way. Then you could put your saved water back in, place the new 10 on your stand and prepare it to transfer over...
  10. jumpfrog

    Ph Question

    Wouldn't you want to check the ph of your saltwater, not the ro/di? It seems like that would be most important. Your salt mix should bring your ph to the somewhat correct level. As long as you use the same mix and bring to the same salinity each time, your ph should remain relatively constant...
  11. jumpfrog

    strange Algal Bloom

    New tank? If so you're probably experiencing diatoms. Completely normal and everyone goes through it. Once they all die off it will be gone. Nothing you need to do but wait.
  12. jumpfrog

    How Much Water is REALLY in There?

    We always talk about the number of gallons in our tanks so I got to thinking, just how much water is really in there? Here's my train of though........any comments? Start with my 125 predrilled. Taking the true measurements and calculating volume you're down to 123.4 gallons. Given there are...
  13. jumpfrog

    Water Changes

    About 20% every other week on a 125.
  14. jumpfrog

    What R/O unit should I buy?

    My vote for the typhoon 3 as well. Easy to set up and works great!
  15. jumpfrog

    Clown vs. Clown

    I can't recommend but I can tell you that I have a large tomato, one skunk and one perc in my 125. No problems whatsoever. They seem to all have their patrol areas.
  16. jumpfrog

    lighting times

    What are you keeping in the tank? Different answers for different stocking.
  17. jumpfrog

    29 gal filtration

    Just noticed something else about your post. The tank has only been up a month? Are you sure it fully cycled before you started adding life? What you may be seeing in the cloudiness is a bacteria bloom. Please keep a close eye on your levels. Since you already have some fish, you may want to...
  18. jumpfrog

    29 gal filtration

    How much LR do you have in the 29? Also what kind of substrate. If there is enough live rock then the HOB filter would be fine. In fact, if there is sufficient rock then you could just use the HOB for water movement only. The other part of the equation is how bio load you add to the tank...
  19. jumpfrog

    Reef Tank Upgrade Process?

    I moved my 72 to a 125. But, I already had the 125 running for a few years as an aggressive tank. If it was me I'd get the 125 up and running with sand bed and some more live rock and get that cycled first. Then once the tank is settled move my stuff from the 70 over. I moved the rock first...
  20. jumpfrog

    R/O units ??

    If there is just one filter it is probably designed to improve dirinking water by filering through charcoal. Not what you want for your tank. There isn't that much different in price between ro/di or just ro. You'll want a filter that probably has at least 2 carteridges 1 carbon 1 filtering...