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  1. jumpfrog

    Cleaning Aquarium

    Yes, it's ok to use the glass polish. In fact Coralife makes a product for that. Just rinse real good before adding animals. I think I would try that full wet test before burning all the extra calories. Good Luck!
  2. jumpfrog

    Cleaning Aquarium

    I wonder if the glass is somehow etched. That would explain nothing taking off the surface film. Perhaps trying a little bit of glass polish to see if that helps. I recently converted a 72 bow from reef after 3 years to a discus tank. It was covered in coraline and calcium deposits. The...
  3. jumpfrog

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Here's Zoe our Boxer
  4. jumpfrog

    I got it! Can I see some 72g Bowfronts???

    I had a 72 bow as a reef for about 3 years. Worked out great. Now have it converted to a discus tank. If I followed your post you set your tank up and added your puffer on day 2 after getting your tank? You might want to keep a close eye on your levels as your tank settles in. Enjoy the...
  5. jumpfrog

    Parrots and open tops

    We have birds and have never really considered them going for a swim. Of course a full canopy would eliminate the problem. Just have good ventilation and fans for the MH. Unless your fixture is really small compared the opening of your tank I don't think your bird would have enough room to...
  6. jumpfrog

    Which return pump??

    I have the same tank and I use a mag 12 and run it wide open. I heard others use a mag 18 though. A consideration is head heigth and whether you have a straight shot back to the tank. My 12 sits in a sump directly below so the head is about 4' or so. I've teed off the 12 to feed both...
  7. jumpfrog

    Cleaning Aquarium

    Have you tried a single edge razor blade? I would try a inconspicous spot, perhaps on the back bottom and see if it removes the film. It may well be calcium deposits that should come off with some elbow grease. There are polishes out there made to polish glass and remove fine scratches. A...
  8. jumpfrog

    How Much Water is REALLY in There?

    If you only knew how much I suck at math! The whole point of the thread was to get some feedback on my train of thought. So many decisions are made on water volume in regards to dosing and water flow, turn over etc. If we make our decision based on the most water a tank can hold vs. the actual...
  9. jumpfrog

    Recommendations on a Quiet Overflow?

    Sounds like it will work. I would think you would have still very close to 20 gallons volume. The return pump and skimmer wouldn't displace too much. Once you get everything set up you can test it by turning off the return pump and see how much it fills up. Be prepared to turn the pump on...
  10. jumpfrog

    Noob lookin for Everything

    Welcome to the board and Kudos for wanting to research first. There are probably a hundred questions you could ask to get the answers you want and with every answer you'll probably have a new question. Let me recommend a great primer on keeping salt water. Fenner's The Conscientious Marine...
  11. jumpfrog

    Retrofitting a NO Hood

    I'm pondering the idea of retrofitting a NO 15 watt hood with a 65w pc screw in bulb. The thought being to just wire the bulb socket and insulate with shrink tubing. Screw in the bulb and away you go. Fixture is to go over my refugium. I'm just using a 6500k no bulb over the fuge right now and...
  12. jumpfrog

    which tang?

    What's the reason for not keeping both? They should be compatible as they're not from the same family. I've kept the two of them together in a 72 with no problem. I'd say unless you have a particulary aggressive tang (kole or yellow) that is terrorizing the other, why not have both of them...
  13. jumpfrog

    Recommendations on a Quiet Overflow?

    Ok, that changes things a little but, not in a bad way. Your overflow from the main tank will be set to a certain level, let's say for discussion 3" below the lip. Now things are flowing into the refugium and the pump returns it to the main tank. If the power goes out water will only drain to...
  14. jumpfrog

    Painting of a Tank

    Normal latex paint. Put on about 6 coats. Still looks great after 3 years.
  15. jumpfrog

    Recommendations on a Quiet Overflow?

    100% flood proof? We'll you know in life 'things' happen. But you can certainly minimize it. It sounds as if you want to allow gravity to allow flow from the refugium to the main tank, right? So you're going to pump water from the tank into the refuguim then allow it to drain. If you use a...
  16. jumpfrog

    Need your equip expertise!

    If you go with a non drilled you will need a hang on overflow to get water to your sump. If you haven't purchased your tank yet, you may want to consider the predrilled. Less hassle in the long run and you never have to worry about your overflow losing siphon and stopping. If you shop around...
  17. jumpfrog

    Pix of RO Prefilters

    And to think we drink the water unfiltered I just replaced mine and they looked just as bad. Went a year before changing. I would think that individual raw water quality and how much you actually make would be a better determining factor than simply time itself for changine filters.
  18. jumpfrog

    How Much Water is REALLY in There?

    Any other thoughts
  19. jumpfrog

    Water Changes

    Good inside joke Bang
  20. jumpfrog

    Is there a safe paint to use to paint overflows...

    Last I saw AGA still does the overflows in black. I painted by back black and from a distance you really have to look to determine that there are overflows in there. As for other colors, I have no clue for painting plastic.