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  1. jumpfrog

    Calcium and Clams

    Thanks That sounds like a plan!
  2. jumpfrog

    Calcium and Clams

    I'm researching to add a clam to my reef tank. 125 with approx 850 watts of mh and pc. How much affect should 1 clam have on my calc consumption rates? The rest of the tank has lps and softies. Right now I dose 2 part to maintain alk and calc. Able to keep steady at 11-12dkh and 460-480...
  3. jumpfrog

    maroon vs. my sand bed

    Many clowns will do this. My GSM is in a tank by himself. There is no way I'd let him in my reef as he would make a mess of it. Not a behavior you can change. If it's too bothersome you may need to find another place for him. Good Luck!
  4. jumpfrog

    Cycle Juice!

    I'm scratching my head on this one. The bacteria will only multiply to the food source level. Once they're in balance it's done. Why would you ever need to add more bacteria (except for a system crash which was a great example) other than making a significant increase in your bio load at one time.
  5. jumpfrog

    3 wrasses to choose from - opinions needed

    I know it wasn't on your list but I kept a large hawaiian yellow tail coris wrasse for several years with a large starfish. The wrasse never paid any attention to the star the best I could tell. This may be one of those, depending on the pesonality of a perticular fish thing. Good Luck!
  6. jumpfrog

    suggestions on moving a 33 gal into a 55 gal

    If the rock is cured you can move everything at once. Don't be suprised to see a mini cycle from stiring up things though. Is everything going to fit and are all the inhabitants compatible?
  7. jumpfrog

    Looks like feather dusters

    Use something safe and move it close to or on the clusters. If there is retraction then it's likely a colony of some type of tube worm I've colonies of what look like tiny tube worms. Someone told me once what they were but I forgot. Have you added any new rock lately? It seems unlikely...
  8. jumpfrog

    Will my live rock live?

    The bacteria is in the rock and not in the water. If it's cured from a tank that's been up for a while (sounds like it with all the great life you have) it should be loaded with nitrifying bacteria. Your tank's water and rock just need to reach their balance. I too would recommend the water...
  9. jumpfrog

    Aggressive Skimming

    Mucho Gracious!
  10. jumpfrog

    Aggressive Skimming

  11. jumpfrog

    Coral ID Please

    I have no clue. Just what I've read. I picked one up a while back. Cool animal. Can really expand a bunch! Heck, I don't know where half these things get there names. :notsure:
  12. jumpfrog

    Flow 1inch drain

    I think max flow for 1" is 600 gph. If you don't get a response here you may try the DIY group.
  13. jumpfrog

    snails are dieing

    Wow Bang, since I've come back to the site I didn't even notice that button. Thanks, I could have saved some finger cramps
  14. jumpfrog

    adding salt

    Yes, many LFS sell pre maid saltwater. However, I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you setting up saltwater for the first time in your tank and you're trying to get the salinity right, or are you adding salt to a saltwater tank to get the salinity up? Could you clarify please?
  15. jumpfrog

    One more question!

    I'd pass on the star. It will be a slow death unless someone has conquered the spot feeding technique.
  16. jumpfrog

    snails are dieing

    Not the best way to acclimate inverts, just plopping them in. Water temperature is only one factor. Folks use both the drip and water replacement methods with success. Both are slow processes. Start with temperature stabilization like you did. Floating the bag is fine. Some will then 'drip'...
  17. jumpfrog

    Coral ID Please

    Some times referred to as a meat coral. Medium to high light. Little water movement. Can expand quite a bit so give them space. Is this one yours?
  18. jumpfrog

    need some opinions

    You've already starting doing the right thing. Researching and asking questions. What sets saltwater apart from fresh is the endless options. As you research start asking yourself some important questions: 1. How much money do I have to contribute to the hobby? Not just start up but...
  19. jumpfrog

    snails are dieing

    How did you acclimate them?
  20. jumpfrog

    One more question!

    What size tank and how much of the tank floor is covered with sand? How long has the tank been set up as this will determine the amount of food available. From what I've seen most will eventually starve to death, but I've never considered methods of feeding them. Good Luck!