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  1. jesshika

    Shocked from filter

    I walked over and touched it because I was putting the cover back on it and my finger just touched the plastic. But I don't have a GFCI.
  2. jesshika

    Shocked from filter

    Thanks for the response. I took it off and cleaned it all out and cleaned the salt creep off anywhere else. I didn't notice any salt creep on the filter and I didn't see any cracks but I let it dry out before plugging it back in and so far it hasn't been shocking me anymore.
  3. jesshika

    Shocked from filter

    I touched the top of my aquaclear filter, right on top of the plastic part that pulls up the water and I got quite a large shock from it and it wasn't even wet or anything! I unplugged it and now I'm afraid to plug it in again and touch it. Why did this happen? And is it safe to leave plugged...
  4. jesshika

    Yellow fin fairy wrasse

    Ok I will try to find the largest tank I can afford Thank you for your help!
  5. jesshika

    Yellow fin fairy wrasse

    I will be upgrading to a 55 gal long soon so they will have a little more room, hopefully everyone behaves until then. I have the 55 gal a freshwater right now so I want to switch my 40 breeder with the 55. Or would it be better going with something a little larger like a 75? I was hoping to...
  6. jesshika

    Yellow fin fairy wrasse

    My tank is a 40 gal long. He seems better now for some reason and everyone is getting along fine
  7. jesshika

    Cleaner wrasse won't eat

    I've had a cleaner wrasse before who had no problem eating anything I put in the tank, but the one I have now will hardly eat anything. I've tried garlic soaked flakes, mysis shrimp and brine shrimp and he will go after it and try to eat some but then ends up spitting the food back up or won't...
  8. jesshika

    Dinoflagellets or something else?

    Thanks for the response! I changed my lights to about 6 hours a day and I scraped off all the algae and siphoned it up. So far it hasn't been coming back too much on the glass, only on the rocks in the middle of the tank that get the most light. So that makes me think its to do with the...
  9. jesshika

    Yellow fin fairy wrasse

    Thanks for the response. I might try to keep him a while longer then, unless his territory expands further. Is that possible?
  10. jesshika

    Yellow fin fairy wrasse

    I have a yellow fin fairy wrasse who, up until a few days ago, was a very shy fish who didn't bother anyone and now he is becoming the opposite. He is fine with my maroon clown but whenever another fish like my cleaner wrasse goes into "his corner" he chases them away. Is this normal behavior or...
  11. jesshika

    Dinoflagellets or something else?

    After cleaning off the sand and glass, this algae seems to come back every day and it grows on the rocks too. The tank is getting very grungy looking. Kind of like when the tank cycles but my tank is a year old now and it started doing this about a month ago. Little bubbles get stuck to the...
  12. jesshika

    Condy anemone eats shrimp?

    I had two peppermint shrimp and the night after I added a purple tip condy anemone into the tank, the shrimp are gone the next morning. I did find some remains of one near the anemone but no sign of the other shrimp anywhere. I've heard of condys eating fish on rare occasions but not shrimp...
  13. jesshika

    Adding a Flasher Wrasse

    I recently upgraded my 25 gallon to a 40 gal long (3 ft) that I hope to add corals to someday. Right now I have two young clownfish, a maroon and an Alardii. I also have a blue cleaner wrasse. I know its not good to have two different types of clownfish together but they are fine now and if...
  14. jesshika

    These PC lights sure are great for growing lots of nice diatom algae

    I've never had this much of a problem with diatoms before in a any of my tanks. My 40 gallon, which just had the huge aiptasia problem, now has a diatom problem. Well even before I took all the rocks out and killed them, I had lots of diatoms and cyno bacteria, even after the tank was almost 4...
  15. jesshika


    If they are brown/clear looking little anemones then they are aiptasia and really hard to get rid of if they get out of control. I just had to boil all my live rock in freshwater to get rid of the things and now the rock is curing again cause peppermint shrimp won't eat them once they get too big.
  16. jesshika

    Tiny little snails.....

    I recently got a whole bunch of snails in my tank too. They are probably good. Most likely one of your snails laid eggs and they hatched
  17. jesshika

    Anemone acclimation and movement

    Well anemones don't tend to do well in tanks less than a year old, the water just doesn't stay stable enough for them and they are very sensitive. But with that said, when I was more of a noob, I bought anemones soon after my tank cycled and they took a long time to find somewhere to place...
  18. jesshika

    Anemone acclimation and movement

    Sometimes it does take a while for them to find a suitable spot and even then they will keep moving around sometimes. But how long has the tank been setup for and what kind of lighting do you have on it? They will move around too if the lighting isn't sufficient.
  19. jesshika

    HELP live rock curing again!

    So after doing a drastic aiptasia removal of boiling the live rock in freshwater, I placed the rocks back in the tank. I did a water test and everything was fine. Later the water gets cloudy and the ammonia is 1.0 and the water smells terrible. I only have a clarkii clownfish and a sixline...
  20. jesshika

    gah, christmas music

    bleh, when I worked at my LFS I remember how annoyed I was when I would work long shifts and all day it was the same X-mas songs over and over and over again