Search results

  1. fishfry

    Puffer not eating 1-2 months

    Yes they (puffer, eels, etc.) get a HUGE variety: Clams, octopus, krill, shrimp, silverslides, and sometimes pellets. I have a snail and a couple crabs that have managed to stay alive in the last year so I know he is not getting food from alternate sources. I will try the garlic but I am not so...
  2. fishfry

    Puffer not eating 1-2 months

    No i did not treat the popeye and the inflammation went away after a couple days. He doesnt have teeth that I have ever been able to see anyways (are you talking about his lips??). Our dogface definitely has noticeable teeth but the porcupine does not if that is what you mean? And btw he is...
  3. fishfry

    Puffer not eating 1-2 months

    My porcupine puffer has not eaten much of anything in the last month or so. We have had him for about a year +. He ate great then all of the sudden nothing. He did have a nasty eye infection that made his eye swell up. I thought maybe he went blind. But, even when i put food directly to his...
  4. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    Originally Posted by myreef05 MAYBE WE NEED A LARGER PICTURE. No kidding...probably big enough to be banner
  5. fishfry

    my 55

    I just bought a fimbrated too...How much did you pay?
  6. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    Originally Posted by zdthompson try this best i have seen yet Ahhh, I didn't read the second page...I see him now , thanks
  7. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard? try this best i have seen yet Thanks for the link...nothing there about about my eel though. Originally Posted by NigerBang Def. a Fimby....Know anything about them? No, I know nothing. I was told they are very aggressive and will grow 3 feet long...thats...
  8. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    This is the one I bought. Is this the same eel as pictured above?
  9. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    He said several years ago he had several stores there that were the best at the time? His name is George. Him, his wife, and son run the one in Augusta...Does that ring a bell? Do you know of him?
  10. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    Originally Posted by sacremon So much for the LFS owner's name of the fish. Fish Store or Marine Shop? Definitely a marine shop...they don't sell freshwater fish. The name is Star Aquatics in augusta, ga.
  11. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    Is there any difference between the first and 2nd pic? Have you guys ever heard of a sulfur head or a leopard eel? Is it possible different regions call it different things? Just seems odd because he was so confident about it. Thanks for the help and clarifying all this. How long do these...
  12. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    Originally Posted by shinobi69 Gymnothorax fimbriatus: Fimbriated Eel Ok so now a third name fimbriated sulfur head leopard How Much You Paid For It 30.00 and its about a foot long. Is that a good price? Why did you ask?
  13. fishfry

    Bought this eel...sulfur head or leopard?

    I bought this eel and I found it was called a leopard eel. The owner of the LFS says it is a sulfur head. At one time he owned 3 of the largest/best stores in Atlanta. So I think he knows what he is talking about but I searched and couldn't find a name...thoughts? These are the two pics that I...
  14. fishfry

    Volitan is gasping for air!!!

    The lionfish was only red cause he was irritated. None of the others were. I am familiar with the infection you reference. The aptasia have in fact died as a result of reducing the salinity. There was not one single good method in a year to kill the hundreds of rather large at times aptasia...
  15. fishfry

    Volitan is vertical, Gasping for air!!!!!!

    a 75 gallon. Ammonia 0 - chem induced Salinity 1.019 - lowered to reduce aptasia Temp 81 Ph 8.2 Nitrate 80 - 160 Nitrite .25 For some reason the nitrite and ammonia spiked extremely high. Nothing died didnt do anything differently. Makes no sense. changed out fluval system media and pads a week...
  16. fishfry

    Volitan is gasping for air!!!

    massively? You don't even know how big my tank is..a 75 gallon. Ammonia 0 - chem induced Salinity 1.019 - lowered to reduce aptasia Temp 81 Ph 8.2 Nitrate 80 - 160 Nitrite .25 For some reason the nitrite and ammonia spiked extremely high. Nothing died didnt do anything differently. Makes no sense.
  17. fishfry

    Volitan is vertical, Gasping for air!!!!!!

    that's what i was thinking. I hit the aerator on full blast. Doesn't seem to be helping
  18. fishfry

    Volitan is vertical, Gasping for air!!!!!!

    I have had my Volitan for 6mos+ in a 75 gallon with others. The trigger seems fine, the toadfish, the dogface puffer, snowflake and green eel seem fine. The porcupine and volitan are breathing very hard. My Volitan is the size of a small basketball. He is bright red like when he is alarmed or...
  19. fishfry

    Volitan is gasping for air!!!

    I have had my Volitan for 6mos+ in a 75 gallon with others. The trigger seems fine, the toadfish, the dogface puffer, snowflake and green eel seem fine. The porcupine and volitan are breathing very hard. My Volitan is the size of a small basketball. He is bright red like when he is alarmed or...
  20. fishfry

    Prizm Prot. Skim...where is your water line?

    I have a Prizm Deluxe protein skimmer. Where is the water line supposed to be at the collection basket on the skimmer. There is a cup attached (5in tall) that has holes in the top. Should the water line just be a bit above that? I have a terrible film on the top of my water which I suspect is...