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  1. fishfry

    what is this funky creature?? Good or bad?

    great..hoping it was a good thing...i do have fireworms also...they are more like centipedes if i am talking about the right ones...these are more like anenomes with limp arms and shaped like a worm that tend to wiggle like a sea cucumber when floating...thx for the responses
  2. fishfry

    Food Recipies for Fish...Got any good ones?

    I like to deep fry them...sometimes soakem in some garlic butter and throw them on the pan
  3. fishfry

    what is this funky creature?? Good or bad?

    The pics are horrible i know...i will try to describe it...It behaves much like a leach or a worm. It has long stringy tentacles that just flow around...and occasionally slowly try to grab something...I have about 5 of them in the sand with only the tentacles exposed...any ideas...they are a...
  4. fishfry

    help help bacteria infection on tang

    our yellow tang has a bacterial infection. it has red spots on its body kinda looks like a hemorrhage.. i just saw some pictures of a tang that has bacteria infection posted on this forum and it looks exactly like our yellow tang has. please help what do we do? The fish is in a hospital tank...
  5. fishfry

    to quarantine or not...that is the question??

    as always thanks Beth. I reread it have read it about 5 times now. I think i have it now. I have gone ahead and put them in quarantine and will proceed as your post indicated...thanks so mcuh i will post updates on progress
  6. fishfry

    why is Aiptasia bad?

    yeah good points and thanks for relplying. My tank is fairly new (6months) so i dont have but a few small corals and 3 fish. I may ultimately get rid of them once i accumulate more corals. But one thing im curious about is that I know they sell anenomes so what is the difference? The rate at...
  7. fishfry

    why is Aiptasia bad?

    as the title states. I mean they look cool enough...none of my corals are around them...I think it is Aiptasias that i have...they have tenacles with white bands up and down the tentacles. Why are these guys so it a problem if I keep them?
  8. fishfry

    to quarantine or not...that is the question??

    ok that definitely sounds good then. If the ich regardless of the stages is more stressful and the hypo is not as dangerous to them "stress" wise then i iwll go ahead with it unless there are objections in the next hour. thanks for the reply
  9. fishfry

    to quarantine or not...that is the question??

    I also posted in the disease section. Ok so here is the current situation. The yellow tang had a major outbreak of ich about 7 days ago. Currently there are no noticeable signs of ich. The yellow tang is eating great and seems healthy and it seems the tang has stopped scratching as much but will...
  10. fishfry

    to quarantine or not...that is the question??

    Ok so here is the current situation. The yellow tang had a major outbreak of ich about 7 days ago. Currently there are no noticeable signs of ich. The yellow tang is eating great and seems healthy and it seems the tang has stopped scratching as much as before but does periodically. I have a...
  11. fishfry


    what do fw dips cure then?
  12. fishfry


    I believe my banded goby has lymphocystis. It is a cotton ball on one fin about the size of a pin head. I have been trying to battle ich on the yellow tang with freshwater dips according to a fish pro i know. He said do this for 3 days. How do i treat the goby if he/she has lymphocystis? Will...
  13. fishfry

    Emergency...need help setting up hospital!!!

    Ok so one fish is dead (blue chromis) The stores fault. Not only do i blame the store for that one but the plague that has attacked my tank. I have had the tang and goby for 6 months no problems now my tang is plastered with ich...OVERNIGHT!!! So i am setting up a second tank to try and save...
  14. fishfry

    Emergency...need help setting up hospital!!!

    Ok so one fish is dead (blue chromis) The stores fault. Not only do i blame the store for that one but the plague that has attacked my tank. I have had the tang and goby for 6 months no problems now my tang is plastered with ich...OVERNIGHT!!! So i am setting up a second tank to try and save...
  15. fishfry im furious

    thanks for the is very frustrating but i have always considered this...that recreating what God created perfect is quite a I cannot expect results overnight as I am a noob at saltwater Im fightin the good fight...and only time will tell...oh and...
  16. fishfry im furious

    I'm using crushed coral..about an inch and a half in the bottom...and using the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharm....Correction this tank is 5 months old if that matters. CORRECTION: Im using live sand
  17. fishfry im furious

    athens, ga....and yeah i have friends..hehe..but none with sw tanks. I have considered getting rid of him...
  18. fishfry im furious get him out? lol...where should i put him? Well to be honest he is hateful to everything...I tell the LFS Athens Aquarium and they say they havent heard of an angry yellow tang. But the one I have is crazy evil...You think that is because he is stressed?
  19. fishfry im furious

    can you explain why a tang in a 29 gallon would be a problem? we only have 3 fish totaling 10 inches and will grow only another 2 -3 inches in total thoughts other than the LFS? Hmmm well thanks guys for your input. I have bought some caluepra (sp?) to help with my...
  20. fishfry im furious

    Yeah I am using RO water, and i checked the kit with the RO water and it showed 0 nitrates prior to adding it to the tank. Is it possible that after a 30% water change there is no effect...I mean not even slightly...??? This has been so irritating. The fish are all healthy everyone is doing good...