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  1. lillylegs

    Will LS keep QT from cycling?

    Hi everybody, I'm setting up my 29 gal QT for my sick clown. Will adding two cups of LS from my main tank keep it from cycling? I'm hoping my QT wont cycle and can use right away. Thanks in advance for your suggestions, Lillylegs
  2. lillylegs

    BETH- remora/ mini-refugium

    that's an excllent idea for a reef tank. let me know if the caulerpa will grow. the box is black and blocks out alot of light but perhaps it will get enough from the top. it has been a pain to clean. every month i take it all apart and scrub and clean every piece. the worst part is screwing back...
  3. lillylegs

    BETH- remora/ mini-refugium

    hi beth, i was just reading your post on another thread about putting caulerpa into the output chamber of your remora pro skimmer. i too have a remora about 6 months or so and it is a tedious task to clean out the sponge. it sounds like you don't take out the pre-filter box to clean it, so how...
  4. lillylegs

    eclipse 20 gal high for sal ein northern ohio

    hey Carnut, I didn't hear from anybody so I made the tank into a hospital tank. There still isn't any room for it really, I put it on my bathroom counter (it has no stand). But thanks for the reply! Lillylegs
  5. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    all right, just to keep everyone posted there are several new spots on the right lower side of his belly. however, the other old spots are now fading. the new spots are much darker. i've been researching diseases online and can't find anything that describes it. the spots are non-migrating. i...
  6. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    You're right, its not fuzzy, so maybe fungus is out. He is a false perc and is about 2 and half inches. He's my first fish, I've had him for about 6 months now. So, I don't think he's young, judging by his size, perhaps he's getting too old? i hate to say it but perhaps its like sun spots on...
  7. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    No, i took a roll yesterday trying to get some with my ten dollar camera but haven't had them developed yet. Hopefully, they will come out. Its just that freckles don't LOOK parasitic. I've seen ick, oodinium, and hexamita (at a few horrible fish stores) and it doesn't look like that at all. It...
  8. lillylegs

    stilts for powercompacts?

    Well, the light sits in the middle of the tank with 6 inches of free space on each side. There is a plastic bar that rs across the width of the tank for support (I imagine). The front part of the glass lifts up and the back is open for my hang-on equipment and wires, etc. The glass is from the...
  9. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    I've decided that its fungal, not parasitic. I came to this conclusion for two reasons: 1. I noticed that on my shower curtain there are spots that are the same kind of circular spots on my clown. Small, not raised, kind of within the curtain. This must be a mold at least in the case of my...
  10. lillylegs

    stilts for powercompacts?

    I just bought a 46 gal bow tank and when I put my powercompacts (Smartlites) on it, it cracked the top glass straight through the middle. the problem may be the lights are 24" and the length of the tank is 36". it may be too hot just in that one spot. i'm thinking maybe I need some type of...
  11. lillylegs

    eclipse 20 gal high for sal ein northern ohio

    hi, i have a 29 gallon high eclipse tank about one year old. have 46 bow already, not enough room in my tiny apartment. am selling for $80. if you are in the area will drop off to you. unfortunately too expensive to mail...
  12. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    hi terry b thanks for writing back! no, not raised or bloody. the spots are rather large and flat against the skin, Well, within the skin rather. there is now one on the other side of the top dorsal fin. He is not scratching or showing other signs and still eating well. It looks like a freckle...
  13. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    great thank you. i know it looks very unusual, nothing like i've ever seen or ever heard of. i hope terry knows so we can figure this out. i don't know what kind of treatment to go ahead with (i.e. formalin bath, freshwater dip, etc). i don't want to stress him if he does have disease and don't...
  14. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    hello, beth? anybody? if i knew what it was i could treat it...
  15. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    no they are much larger. they are about the size of this o. about six or so of them only on the right side? its been three days and not going away. could it be a type of mold or fungus? its within the skin though, not raised.
  16. lillylegs

    black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?

    my clown has a couple of larger-than-ick BLACK dots on the right side of his body. they are not defined at the outer edges and don't really look like a growth but within the skin. there are six of them and spaced out over his entire right side and dorsal fin. what is it and what is the best way...
  17. lillylegs

    one small white spot on eye?

    please help! it defiitely looks like whatever it is in lodged in the clear part of the surface of his eye. is it dangerous? will it go away? can it be removed? don't want it to become infected...
  18. lillylegs

    one small white spot on eye?

    thanks for responding so quickly beth, i have only noticed it just today. but if i can nip it in the bud the sooner the better. i have had him for a little more than a month and no problems at all. he eats like its going out of style, swims around and around, no hiding, swims with my other fish...
  19. lillylegs

    one small white spot on eye?

    hello everyone, my fish has one small white spot on its eye. only one. its much smaller than his eye and very white. in fact it looks like one grain of coarse sand. it doesn't look as small as ich but not as large and cloudy as popeye. what could it be? i can't treat him if i don't know what it...
  20. lillylegs

    50 hermits too many?

    so is the general rule of thumb about 1 hermit per gallon? its just such a good deal! i could get thirty for $30 or for an additional $10 get 20 more! i dont think there would be a limited supply of food. i feed my fish small amounts twice a day. the LR just looks dirty. not algaed, just dirty...