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  1. lillylegs

    50 hermits too many?

    do you guys think that 50 hermit crabs are too much for a 35 gal? or would i just see a sea of crabs? im going with the berlin method but need more help to clean up LR. i ask b/c the u-build it section has a deal for 50... thanks for your input
  2. lillylegs

    why did my CBS lose his claw?

    that must be what happened. it must be stress. i did do a 20% water change recently, i had to scrape a significant amount of algae off the glass and it worried me b/c i only use biological filtration and didn't want it floating around. do you guys think that just changing the water in the...
  3. lillylegs

    why did my CBS lose his claw?

    or fight with cleaner shrimp? now that i think about it i DID notice the last time he molted it looked like a full arm had come off with the shell... didn't think about it much at the time. again, i hardly ever see him unless i feed or i sneak up w/ flashlight at night.
  4. lillylegs

    why did my CBS lose his claw?

    well he lives inside my LR all day and only comes out at night. hes the most unaggressive CBS i've ever seen. it is possible he may have tried to catch a fish in the night but nothing has happened before. i worry it may be something else. all two fish look good.
  5. lillylegs

    why did my CBS lose his claw?

    why did my CBS lose his claw? is he stressed? does it just happen from time to time? i've had him for three months now and no problems. molts probably once a month or so. :confused:
  6. lillylegs

    CPR bak-pak vs. AquaC Remora

    i got my remora in the mail yesterday! its foaming and bubbling like crazy. also, the chambe ris filling up with water. i put some marine pro-tech coat in about a month ago so i think its reacting to that. i'm going to do a 50% water change with RO water today. well so far, i like that its very...
  7. lillylegs

    hypo during quarantine?

    hi everybody, so, do you keep the salinity at 1.009 when you introduce a new fish, then over the course of 3-4 weeks increase the salinity to your main tank? or do you start at at a "normal level" then work your way down to hyposalinity then back up? that would take longer. i think i've heard...
  8. lillylegs

    CPR bak-pak vs. AquaC Remora

    hey everybody, Thanks for all your replys. I decided to go with the AquaC Remora hang-on. I bought the one with the maxi-jet instead of the rio pump (its quieter). I also bought the pre-skimmer/over-flow box. I think that its big enough to put a carbon filter in there, but i'll have to see when...
  9. lillylegs


    cre, i had the same problem and this is what worked for me. make up a bucket of whatever you want your specific gravity to be then add a couple of cup-fulls at a time for top-off in your tank. as the water evaporates the salt does not so by adding the new salinity it will eventually get there in...
  10. lillylegs

    CPR bak-pak vs. AquaC Remora

    well, my reasoning is that b/c of the sufficient biological filtration by the LR and LS, i can throw out the bio-wheel and just use powerheads for circulation. in which case i would need a fantastic skimmer. they are pretty close in price compared to the cheaper Prizm and more expensive Red Sea...
  11. lillylegs

    CPR bak-pak vs. AquaC Remora

    hi everybody! i have a 42 gallon hex with 40 lbs LR and 40 lbs LS. i am 1 month into starting up a reef aquarium and am using an emporer bio-wheel for filtration. i am in the market for a protein skimmer so i can ditch the bio-wheel and have narrowed it down to these two (i need a hang-on b/c of...
  12. lillylegs

    stresscoat made cloudy tank?

    thanks for everybody's input, just so you know, the tank cleared up by itself over-night with no casualties. i had decided to wait and do a water change and poof! it cleared up! thanks again! lillylegs
  13. lillylegs

    stresscoat made cloudy tank?

    well that's jus the thing. i'm not running a skimmer. i just finished cycling with 40lbs LS and 40lbs LR and one two damsels. i had been adding calcium supplements for about a week now. is it possible the stresscoat reacted with the calcium? actually its called kent marine pro-tech coat for...
  14. lillylegs

    stresscoat made cloudy tank?

    hi everybody, i just added stresscoat to my tank when i added a new fish. the tankis now a cloudy white. i guess i may have added too much. it must be the stresscoat not a bacterial bloom b/c it happened about an hour or two after i added it (and i only added one damsel to a 42 gal w/ one two...
  15. lillylegs

    bio-wheel or CPR?

    thanks for your input, does the CPR bak-pak make alot of noise? is it easy to maintain? i've heard both good and bad reviews on it. also, did you get order it from the net or did your LFS have it? lillylegs
  16. lillylegs

    bio-wheel or CPR?

    hi everybody, i've got a 42 gallon hex and am setting up a reef tank w/ 40lbs live sand and 40 lbs live rock. i have a bio-wheel filter on right now during cycling and one powerhead 640. should i change my bio-wheel filter to the CPR filter plus protein skimmer? i'm sure i'll need a protein...
  17. lillylegs

    tank setup for hex

    wait, so you're saying that with adequate LR and LS i won't nedd any other form of filtration? holy toledo! just the powerheads for circulation?
  18. lillylegs

    tank setup for hex

    hi everybody, here's the problem and i can't decide what to do, but now is the time. i've been FW for years and have just started a new SW tank. right now i have a 42 gal hex with a UGF, powerhead 640, bio-wheel (for 20-40 gal.) with cc and 30lbs LR, and 3 damsels (basically a FW setup). its...
  19. lillylegs

    broomer5 please read

    broomer5, just moved from texas to toledo, been in FW for years just started SW. i saw that you had previously posted to someone about good SW fish stores here in town. found ocean's treasures on glanzman, i think? still trying to find my way around town. any help you can give will be very much...