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  1. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    i got it to work! but its really small. i'll try again...
  2. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    ok, here i go, i'm trying again...
  3. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    aw, man! it didn't work! how do i get pics to post? i'll do some research...
  4. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    hi everybody! okay, i hope this works! my tank is now a little over 1 year old! they're not the best pics, and i've got some diatom problems, but here goes...
  5. lillylegs

    User Names?

    mine's from a line from one of my favorite movies Blazing Saddles. madeline khan's character in the movie is Lily VonSchtupp. "15's my limit on schnitzengruben!"
  6. lillylegs

    xenia and inverts

    hi leigh, i have about 2.5 watts per gallon (Smartlite PC) on my 46 bow and my pulsing xenia are growing like weeds. however, i do have them near the top. i also supplement with iodine every week. i dont know if godzilla would bother them but in my experience it doesnt matter. you just cant kill...
  7. lillylegs

    New Research says fish feel pain

    fulcrum, i have not dressed up like lilli von shtupp, but this IS one of my favorite lines... lilli: "well then how about a little uh (whispers in his ear)?" sheriff bart: "baby please! i am not from havana!" ;)
  8. lillylegs

    New Research says fish feel pain

    hey fulcrum, "excuse me while i whip this out..."! my name IS a reference to Blazing Saddles! you're the first person to point it out. everyline is a classic. gotta love it, have some sound effects on my computer. oh lilly, lilly, lillylegs... me giggling... ;)
  9. lillylegs

    New Research says fish feel pain

    why yes i do. i am a phD student in molecular biology and i spend at least half my day reading papers such as the above. specifically though, if you want to know, i am not in neuroscience. i study the molecular mechanisms of [hr] cancer and why drugs such as tamoxifen have an antagonistic...
  10. lillylegs

    New Research says fish feel pain

    hi everyone, FYI here is the actual title and abstract published (Brain Res. 2003 May 16;972(1-2):44-52). I would like to draw attention to the last sentence "The fish nociceptors had similar physiological properties to nociceptors found in higher vertebrates." NatureLover, that is what it had...
  11. lillylegs

    New Research says fish feel pain

    Nah, they weren't hurting the fish to hurt the fish. The study is basic neuroscience. In the nervous system there are small nerve endings in the skin and other tissues that respond only to strong stimuli, such as a pinch. These are called nociceptors and when activated, they transmit signals to...
  12. lillylegs

    Complete Nano for sale

    hey, sorry, i can't get your email off profile, what is it?
  13. lillylegs

    Complete Nano for sale

    hi mucho reef, i'm in northern ohio, still for sale?
  14. lillylegs

    Xenia Control

    hi nybyrne, I have the same problem with my xenia. First I was so excited that I could grow something, but now theyre growing like weeds. What i've learned to do from suggestion, is take a small piece of rock and stick it next to the edge of the colony. They will spread onto the rock, remove...
  15. lillylegs


    newreefers, I grew up on the coast of Texas where there are many man-of-war during season, and my mother used to make a paste of vinegar, fresh water, and baking soda. At least i think it was baking soda, its funny how you only remember the painful parts when you're a kid... anyway, thanks for...
  16. lillylegs


    My frogspawn stung me! And now I have stinging red spots on my hand... FYI, I know I'm fairly new to this hobby, and I'm learning something everyday, but when cleaning your tank, DON'T TOUCH THE FROGSPAWN!!!! Thanks for listening to me everybody, lillylegs
  17. lillylegs

    Michigan folk

    Hey Leigh, I live in Toledo, not tooooo far from where you are. I myself need some snails, just not $75 worth. Let me know if you're still interested. lillylegs
  18. lillylegs

    trim back xenias?

    thanks sterling, but does it grow back at the base where you cut it off, or does it die (b/c i don't want it on my mushroom rock!)?
  19. lillylegs

    trim back xenias?

    hi everybody, my pulsing xenias are taking over my tank! at first i was very happy and excited about this but now I'm not. this is the fastest growing coral i've ever owned. it really is like a weed. its now growing all over an adjacent mushroom rock. how can I cut it back? just snip off stems...
  20. lillylegs

    Will LS keep QT from cycling?

    hi thanks for the reply, my QT is an eclipse tank w/ bio-wheel but i do not keep it running all the time. on my main tank (46 bow) i have 4 in DSB and 45 lbs. LR, remora pro protein skimmer, a magnum HOT, and i just put on my old penguin bio-wheel to get bacteria growing on that ASAP. how long...