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  1. coldpuffer

    nano reef tank poll

    i would do the pc's but thats me
  2. coldpuffer

    post your new fish

    well shes pretty new, i love her with all my heart, by the way shes the blue face not the yellow belly but boy is he a trip,lol
  3. coldpuffer

    Mods quick question

    yikes, i had no idea that i was doing something wrong, i have made my peace and have changed for the better, honestly.
  4. coldpuffer

    Mods quick question

    everytime i go to post pics in the aggressive thread it seems to disappear and am just wondering what is going on whether its me or not that is deleting them, iam just curious and am not being mean in anyway but its just strange and puzzleing me, let me know, thank you and i appreciate it
  5. coldpuffer

    favorite clownfish??

    i like the maroon just bc they have that darkside of them,lol, but seriously they are one mean little bugers
  6. coldpuffer

    140 oceanic

    here are some more cool pics of my tank, i think i accidently deleted my other thread,ooops
  7. coldpuffer

    stopping to say hello

    allsome tank
  8. coldpuffer

    Remodified aggressive tank

    some more
  9. coldpuffer

    Remodified aggressive tank

    here are some new pics taken about 10 mins ago, enjoy
  10. coldpuffer

    Remodified aggressive tank

    he has found his new home and no it is not in fish heaven,lol, i was actually telling the truth that he would be leaving me but the fact is i did not know when he would be leaving me, so dont worry the panther is not dead if thats what you are thinking
  11. coldpuffer

    anyone know websites?

    yes i do,
  12. coldpuffer

    Pink xenia problem

    i have not heard of one in ocala but have heard of one in tampa
  13. coldpuffer

    Pink xenia problem

    and i get the majority of my stuff from saltwater reef
  14. coldpuffer

    Pink xenia problem

    Originally Posted by craig65 Coldpuffer......... sounds like your in orlando Fl yep, sure am
  15. coldpuffer

    american idol

    Originally Posted by ophiura IMO, the opening rounds are the best. Later on, once the competition starts, eh, I do watch but if I miss it no biggie. But the openers, man those are funny. "I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night. what about her laugh and when she came back...
  16. coldpuffer

    If you could bring back one show...

    way to many to mention but the best would have to be seinfeld and frasier by far the two best comedy sitcoms ever, gosh i wish they were back in action, my fav episode of seinfeld was when kramer was test driving the car and seeing how far the car could go on a tank of gas, man was that a classic
  17. coldpuffer

    Pink xenia problem

    just curious, do you go to saltwater reef on kirkman, i cant really help you out with the coral to much as i do not know that much about corals
  18. coldpuffer

    Remodified aggressive tank

    Originally Posted by jr2857 nice trigger and thank you very much
  19. coldpuffer

    Remodified aggressive tank

    Originally Posted by surfer11 Nice trigger!How big is he?Do you have any full tank pics?Or has it changed since you last posted them besides the grouper. i dont fully understand what you mean but i will have some full tank pics up pretty soon, i think you were talking about the trigger right...
  20. coldpuffer

    First tank opinions wanted

    if i were you i would get a pair of percs an anemone if you have the right lighting and a decent cleanup crew and a pair of firefish, if this does not sound good anyone please correct me, and good luck with the tank