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  1. kengaroo

    LR Coraline

    I had a tank set up for a year and I didn't get any coraline until I got compact fluorescent lights for my coral. Before that I was using a 29w fluorescent light. I think light helps coraline growth.
  2. kengaroo

    Getting a sun coral to open up

    My Sun Polp doesn't open up either. I have had it for over 3 weeks and the only time it opens up is if I use Selcon. Marine Snow doesn't seem to get it open. I have to force it to open by using Selcon every 3 days, otherwise it will stay closed? Does this mean it is not hungry?
  3. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

    I have 3 mexican trubo snails, 7 hermit crabs and 40 nassarius snails. Is that enough? Any recommendations is appreciated.
  4. kengaroo

    Is my candycane dying

    I am using a 192w compact fluorescent light. It is a 46 gallon tank.
  5. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

    I didn't think it was normal for the sand to turn green and red. I have to clean my glass every week to keep the green algae from getting out of control. The tank is 13 months old.
  6. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

  7. kengaroo

    Is my candycane dying

  8. kengaroo

    Is my candycane dying

    I have my candycane for over 2 weeks now. I have read in this forum that it is suppose to have tenticles stretching out at night. I have never seen it on mine and I have noticed yesterday that the branches are turning from dark red to white. Can anyone tell me if it is dying?
  9. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

    2 more pictures.
  10. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

    Here are some pictures. I have these corals: candycane sun polyps tonga hammer coral open brain super orange zoo
  11. kengaroo

    Help With Algea Problem

    I have added my first corals to my tank 2 weeks ago. I am using 192W power compact fluorescent lights. At first I had the 10K lights running for 8 hours and Actnic lights for 10 hours, then I realizes that the side of my tank and some rocks were starting to turn green. 2 pieces of rock had...
  12. kengaroo

    How to handle corals

    I am getting my first order of corals in the mail today. I am new at this, but is it okay to touch the corals with my hand when I place them in the tank? I know some of them may sting other corals, but will they sting me when I touch them? I got these corals: Green Open Brain Sun Polys...
  13. kengaroo

    Can a clown goby and a diamond goby reside in the same tank?

    I currenlty have a clown goby and it hasn't grown at all since I had him for 12 months now. I am thinking of adding a diamond goby to clean up my sand. Can anyone tell me if they will be compatible in the same tank?
  14. kengaroo

    Has anyone purchase anything from

    I want to get some feedback about this retailer. Their prices seems reasonable, but it looks like the site might not be updated too often.
  15. kengaroo

    Where can I find a acrylic tank cover?

    Do you know of any place that might make custom covers?
  16. kengaroo

    Where can I find a acrylic tank cover?

    I just bought a compact fluorescent light for my 46 Gallon Oceanic bow shape tank. The instructions says not to put the light directly over the tank. My current cover is not transpareant except for like 4 inches where my regular florecent lights goes on. I will need to remove the entire cover...
  17. kengaroo

    Curing Live Rocks

    If I should not do a water change, should I scrub the black spots on the rock in the current water that is in the tank or scrub them in tap water?
  18. kengaroo

    Curing Live Rocks

    I bought 9 lbs of live rock to add to my current tank which has been running for 11 months now. I placed the rocks in a 6 gallon eclipse tank that I had lying around with the filer running. 2 days later when I check the ammonia level, it was at 8.0. Should I change the water or leave it and...
  19. kengaroo

    Lighting Question

    What is the guideline for coral (watts / gallon)?
  20. kengaroo

    Lighting Question

    I am looking to start putting corals in my tank and the first thing that I need to do is get new lights. I haven't really decided on what kind of coral yet. I have a 46 gallon tank, 36 inches wide and 21 inches tall. I was wonder if T5 lights would be enough. I am looking to get the Current...