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  1. kengaroo

    My water in my tank is smelling fishy

    I tested my water yesterday and it looks good. I have a 2 inch sand bed with 36lbs of rock in my 46 gallon tank. I have a skimmer, but it does seem to work as effective as before. I rarely see bubbles going into cup. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 PH 8 Nitrate 20
  2. kengaroo

    My water in my tank is smelling fishy

    The tank up and for 10 months now.
  3. kengaroo

    My water in my tank is smelling fishy

    Is there anything I can do to get rid of the smell? I put some carbon in a mesh bag an placed it in my sump, but that didn't help much. I have been doing 10% water change every 2 weeks. Are there any additives I can put into the water to get rid of the odor? :joy:
  4. kengaroo

    What does blue hippo tangs eat?

    My hippo tang only seem to eat sea weed. At one point he ate some brime shrimp, but he stopped. I tried frozen formular one and two with garlic guard and he wouldn't touch it. Any other suggestions?
  5. kengaroo


  6. kengaroo

    crappy hydrometer

    I just got my refractmeter yesterday. After I calberate it, I did a water test and my salt level was at 1.029. My plastic hydrometer is reading 1.024. That a big difference. Now I have to slowly drop my salt level down. It was well worth spending $35 including shipping from the famous...
  7. kengaroo


    I plan to take 2 week vacation in March and I don't have anyone looking after my fishes. I have a wet/dry filter and I usually have to top off in 1 gallon of water a week to my tank. My sump is only 7 gallon. I usually fill the water to the top of my sponge which I think is about 2 gallon of...
  8. kengaroo


    My blue tang has a mild case of ich yesterday. I placed him in a 5 gallon bucket with a heater and air stone. I am waiting for my QT to arrive. I am slowing raising the temperature to 82 degrees and treating him with Paraguard. I plan to change some of the water in the bucket tonight since I...
  9. kengaroo

    Green Algae?

    Anyone out there with any suggestions?
  10. kengaroo

    Green Algae?

    I think I have a green algae out break in my tank. I noticed 1 green spot on my live rock 5 days ago, now I see a few more green spots on other parts of my rocks. It is just a green spot with no hair. Is this bad? I assume that this will continue to spread. How do I contain it and elimiate...
  11. kengaroo

    how to get rid of green slime algea

    I have the same problem too? Can someone help? I see green spots on my rocks.
  12. kengaroo

    is 7.8 ph bad?

    <Do test your alk and calcium as these are critical. DO NOT BUY a pH "buffer" unless your alkalinity is too low.> Would this comment apply to Marine Buffer by Seachem as well?
  13. kengaroo

    Powerhead Question

    I am planning to add a powerhead to my 46gal tank. I am thinking of getting the AquaClear 402 (aka AquaClear 50) which pumps 270gph. Would this be sufficient or would it be too powerful for a 3 feet tank? I don't want it to be too strong for my fish, but I want it to be powerful enough to...
  14. kengaroo

    Tap Water Conditioner

    Is it okay to use tap water with tap water conditioners? Is there a pros and cons with using this? If it is not good to use this, would a tap water filter be better than buying distilled water? Also do I need to add additives to reconstitute reverse osmosis to the filtered water afterwards for...
  15. kengaroo

    Help setting up Sump/Fuge

    "But generally speaking you want to have the overflow capability very close to the "actual" flow of the fuge/sump, just not more than. If you have a large difference, say a 600 gph overflow with only 250 gph going through it, you will most likely have air-bubbles build up in the top of the...
  16. kengaroo

    Question on Low PH

    The PH in my tank is falling slowly. When I started my tank 10 weeks ago, it was at 8.2. Since then it has decline to 8.0 and now at 7.9. I had a bag of carbon in a mesh bag in my sump for a month, but I removed it a week ago. My water parameters are as follow: Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10...
  17. kengaroo

    Adding New Sand to a tank

    I started my 46 gallon tank is 7 weeks ago. I put in 40lbs of live sand at startup. I am thinking of adding a little more sand into my tank. Should I add another 20lbs of live sand or should I get the regular aragonite sand? I have 3 fishes and a bunch of snails and hermit crabs in the...
  18. kengaroo

    "Correct" pH/Alk levels?

    Would a Brita water filter do the same job?
  19. kengaroo

    Is it a good idea to mix tangs

    I am thinking of purchasing a blue hippo tang and a yellow tang at the same time. I have read that the yellow tang might be aggresive toward other tangs. If I introduce them together at the same time, would that help the aggression rather than one at a time? Also would it help if I get a...
  20. kengaroo

    How often should I do a water change?

    I am reading from this forum that some people do a 10% water change every week and I heard from some friends that they change the water once a month. I want to know what should be the correct water change frequency and what percentage of the water should I change? If my ammonia and nitrite are...