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  1. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    i posted earlier that my coral beauty had ich but, as i look closer the patches of white seem to be a little more fuzzy... like fungus, but he had some on his fin, and today the part where the white was on the fin is gone and theres a slit in the fin where it was. there isnt any infalmation...
  2. matth2181

    Coral Beauty with ich

    heres a pic you can see white dots abouve the black spot near the head, theres more on the other side, that the best i can do picture wise sorry its crappy, ive been reading and people have had good luc with prazipro, and it doesnt hurt anything and can be used as a a preventative measure as...
  3. matth2181

    Coral Beauty with ich

    my coral beauty has been in my tank a week and i just noticed hes getting white spots on him, pretty characteristic of ich i think, look like small grains of sand. well theres a clown in the tank as well and he hasnt been affected at all over the last 3 days which is when i noticed it on the...
  4. matth2181

    Getting frustrated

    yea thats true! i just cant get over the shipping cost of next day air... i would love to buy fish online cause theres such a better selection but to make it worth it, you need to buy alot... and ur not supposed to add a ton of animals at once as it is... can lead to ammonia poisoning. but yea...
  5. matth2181

    Getting frustrated

    i feel your pain i really do, tho mine wasnt quite as bad as 50 bucks. i bought a 6 line wrasse that did fine for about two days and was eating and swimmin in and out of live rock happily. then one day i awoke to see him lying on his side (just as ur angel) struggling to breathe. i left him...
  6. matth2181

    Feeding a coral Beauty

    yea theres 10 pounds of live rock in the tank thats been there for around a month. and as for other fish theres only a clown fish, the two of them dont bother one another, the CB swims freely even near the clown fishes "bed" which dug under some live rock and the clown doesnt do anything, they...
  7. matth2181

    Feeding a coral Beauty

    how many days should i wait? this is day 3 and it still wont tank the brine... does the same thing. i dont want him to starve!
  8. matth2181

    Feeding a coral Beauty

    i have a coral beauty angel fish, had it for about a day now and im trying to feed it frozen brine thats prepared with spriulina algae, which my clown eats and everything ive read says that they should eat it but the beauty will go after it, look at it then turn away... should i just keep trying...
  9. matth2181

    Lighting question

    how long during the day should the light be left on in my FOWLR tank, just a standard light on top of a 30 gallon tank with just a clown fish in it atm with about 10 punds of live rock? thanks for the help
  10. matth2181

    Six line wrasse passing

    i just bought my six line wrasse two days ago, he found a nice hiding place in the hole of some live rock. i fed him yesturday he came out and ate with no problem.. this morning he was swimming around and going in and out of the rock as usual, then a few hours later i went to feed the fish but...
  11. matth2181

    aeration question

    wut problems do bubble wands cause?
  12. matth2181

    aeration question

    i have a 28 gallon tank with a penguin 150 HOB filter and a whisper 10 pump with a 12 inch bubble wand and the opposite end... will that provide enough 02 in the water? thanks
  13. matth2181

    Had an odd problem, any one help me?

    well like isaid they were on the bottom when i got here, they only went to the top very actively looking for food. i also have a aerator disc in the tank so O2 should be fine. yea a fight between the damsels is my next guess and i turned the light on when the other two were resting that sounds...
  14. matth2181

    Had an odd problem, any one help me?

    yea maybe for the two that survived but i lost one... not sure why exactly...
  15. matth2181

    Had an odd problem, any one help me?

    Hey every one this is my first salt water aquarium and i had a bit of a problem over the weekend wondering if any one can tell me what went wrong. i went away for 3 days and i left the light off and the fish werent fed for about 60 hours. i come back to find one of my damsels dead, my other...