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  1. matth2181

    My fish keep dying!

    i had trouble with a coral beauty as well, it died in 1.5 weeks, and i before that a 6 line died on me in 2 days... and all the while ive had a clown in the tank since it started, and hes done excellently. you said you started with tap water and dechlorinated it... so did i, but i had a long...
  2. matth2181

    sick coral angel

    i had problems with a coral beauty as well... he died, i would but him in a quarentine tank and treat for bacterial infection or something specifically for fin rot. should be fine
  3. matth2181

    help! My pygmy angel is dying!

    yea that damsel is waaay to big, hell push everyone around. i have a fiji as well with my false percula, but the percula is bigger and does an excellent job of standing up for itself, and they tend to get along and swim around together now. i did however replace a regular blue damsel, i caught...
  4. matth2181

    freshwater tank into a QT tank...?

    cool, thanks for the info!
  5. matth2181

    freshwater tank into a QT tank...?

    i have a 10 gallon freshwater tank thats been up for about a year and i want to move those fish into another tank and use the 10 gal as a saltwater QT tank, obviously the tank is cycled and all that... so the question is can i just clean out the tank just rinse it all out then fill it with...
  6. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    i was expecting it, so not too much shock :) but still
  7. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    well he passed today, was okay around 8 but when i got home around 530 he was dead.... oh well, back to the drawing board
  8. matth2181

    Moving got some Q'ss

    i moved my 30 gal abouts 2.5 hours away, i just kept the LR in a tupperware container with original water in it, and my one clown in another tupperware container with original water. left some water in the sand after draining. got it there filled it up and let it run for a day just cause the...
  9. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    yea ill give it a shot, i just dont get why these fish are dying when my clown is just so active and healthy... so ill get some snails and a chromis see how it goes... maybe its just back luck, fish that are already sick but it just manifests once they are moved... no idea, the wonders of this...
  10. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    yea true... that would suck cause they arent cheap either, so 6 snails? any other ideas, would a chromis work? they are cheap and ive read they arent aggressive like other damsels, would be a good way to see if i can get anything else in the damn tank lol
  11. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    yea i think im gonna do that take a sample with me... 30 gall tank so like 6 nassarius/cerith snails i think is the rate? what about cleaner shrimp?
  12. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    no like i said i had to move the tank and i didnt want too much in it to move, and its only been setup for a week and half at this point, im going to a huge fish store in richmond virginia next weekend... what would you suggest?
  13. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    i checked params this after noon... ammonia 0, nitrate 0-10, nitrite 0, sg 1.0235, ph 8.2... well heres the time line... after the tank was cycled i added the clown and two damsels one damsel killed the other so i took the live one back and traded him in toward a six line... it died in two...
  14. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    i bought mysis too, that vitamin enriched... but he doesnt seem to be eating.. dunno if hell make it through the night, i doubt it, calssic signs of fish about to die... well thats a wrasse and a CB ive lost... 50 bucks down the pooper
  15. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    hm well whats a good staple food to feed them? like i found some flakes that made of spirulina algae have garlic in them and have multi vitamins put in... would that be any good?
  16. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    im feeding frozen brine with spirulina algae in it... says its good for dwarf angels... but ill try some of those... thanks
  17. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    well the clown in my tank is completely unaffected by anything... so after doing three treatments of the kordon rid fungus... i just thought forget it its makin the tank look horrible... did a 40% water change and put all my carbon back in the filters and am just gonna let nature take its...
  18. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    yea the spots are definetly raised not dents... can lympho make a fin degrade tho?
  19. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    you can see the two spots on the lateral line and two spots about the gill and in the middle of the fin, that is where the hold in the fin is now.
  20. matth2181

    Need help identifying sickness... anyone?

    yea i thought it might be that... but the white spots im seeing dont really resemble those because the spots that are on my CB are kinda traslucent almost not really nodular and solid white like in the lympho...