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  1. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    Just an updated.... He seems to be acting much more normal, and today I even saw one of my clowns inside it for the first time!
  2. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    All levels are great. What's strange is right now lights are off, I just turned on my office light and can now see in the tank, it is totally opened and beautiful looking. Once the actinics come on it will shrivel to about half. Weird thing is it doesn't move, it just stayed where I put it...
  3. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    I have not tried that. What would be the idea with that? They were under I believe a vho in a standard 20 gal. Holding tank. I put it in the middle, and it didn't move like I was expecting it to, so then when he was closing up during the day I decides to more him lower and he has not moved from...
  4. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    It's strange it is fully open when the lights are off, but as soon as the actinics open is goes to about half size
  5. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    Well I have had the lights for a month or so, 2x250 mh 14k Phoenix bulbs, but all the corals are only 2-3 weeks old.
  6. jbailey52

    What type of algea is this?

    I do have several corals that I added over the last couple weeks. I think I get plenty of flow from my sump, plus I have 3 Koralia evolution power heads, a 1450, 1050 and a 750
  7. jbailey52

    Pink tip anemone

    Hey everyone... Last week I put in a pink tip hatiam anemone... It looked good, still does actually but as soon as my actinics come on, way before my MH lights it gets really small. It has a couple times completely closed, but mainly just not all the way open. When all the lights go off and I...
  8. jbailey52

    What type of algea is this?

    I just dont understand how that can happen when I moved the tank and used 100% new RO di Filtered water and cleaned all the LR before putting it in? Man its things like this that make you want to sell everything!
  9. jbailey52

    What type of algea is this?

  10. jbailey52

    What type of algea is this?

    Hi Everyone... So I recently moved this tank (sorry ifI have said this many times before in my other threads) from upstairs to my office... I refilled with 100% new ro di water (mixed with salt of course) and thuroughly cleaned the CC substrate and scrubbed all the LR because I had a bad hair...
  11. jbailey52

    this clown fish needs help ASAP

    This new setup has only been up for a month. The fish is 2-3 years old and this happened in the old tank Also. Happens every night when the lights are out but it totally normal after.
  12. jbailey52

    Help with ro di back flow

    I'm in nj so I suppose it's pretty cold! I will report back after I do the test.
  13. jbailey52

    Help with ro di back flow

    Good advice. Thanks
  14. jbailey52

    Help with ro di back flow

    Hi everyone. I have a coral life 4 stage ro Di system. I have been buying refills from BRS and I also bought a shut off, and a flow restrictor because I noticed there was not on my wasteline. Well it came to my attention that the flow restrictor is actually built into the 90 elbow of the waste...
  15. jbailey52

    Help with a bigger skimmer overflow

    Hey everyone. Just had a huge issue last night. I will start here... I installed my MRC-1 skimmer last night. I have used this in my previous in sump setup (which I was told was not good since the discharge was under water and causes back flow issues) so when I moved my tank I installed it...
  16. jbailey52

    Very odd behavior (video)

    Also PH doesnt really change. From about 8.0-8.2
  17. jbailey52

    Very odd behavior (video)

    Hi Everyone... thanks for the comments... It not a current issue... the fish itself is doing those movements... At night only 1 of my 3 koralia power heads is on, its very calm. It even happened when I had all the fish in a temp tank for two days while I moved this tank last month.... When the...
  18. jbailey52

    Help... what type of algea is this?

    Very cool.... thanks. Im just trying to keep everything perfect.. and when you go into say a LFS and see their reef tank and say " Why is theirs sooo clean" Thanks!
  19. jbailey52

    Very odd behavior (video)

    Hi guys... please watch this video I filmed of one of my two clownfish... they are about 2 years old. I recently moved my tank from the location in the video to an in wall setup... the fish has the same behavior in both locations. Water parameters now are perfect. Also this usually only happens...
  20. jbailey52

    this clown fish needs help ASAP

    Same heaters that are on during the day, and both were replaced last month when I moved the tank. The fish did this previously with the old heaters too. Also there is another clown in the tank and other fish, he is the only one that acts this way. At night my moon light led come on, but the...