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  1. jbailey52

    Help... what type of algea is this?

    I have been doing a 22 Gallon water change every Sat. ( probably overkill since it was 100% new water anyway) and I also have a mag 12 pump for my return and I also have 3 Koralia evolution power heads in the display so I dont think flow is an issue or water changes. I have no however blown the...
  2. jbailey52

    Help... what type of algea is this?

    Hi Everyone.... I recently tore down, and moved my 90 gal tank. I had a pretty bad Hair algea problem. What I realized was I had not changed my RO DI filters in quite some time and my phosphates built up. So my tank has been back up for about a month now, and I used all RO DI water and there are...
  3. jbailey52

    this clown fish needs help ASAP

    No everything is the same other than the lighting at not. The tank is also grounded so it Shouldn't be that. During the day he is totally normal and it's like a pig. I just wish someone knew what this was.
  4. jbailey52

    this clown fish needs help ASAP

    Hi guys... please watch this video I filmed of one of my two clownfish... they are about 2 years old. I recently moved my tank from the location in the video to an in wall setup... the fish has the same behavior in both locations. Water parameters now are perfect. Also this usually only happens...
  5. jbailey52

    Help with external skimmer

    Yea I figured. Well ill put a valve on the pump outlet and see what happens. I have the new updates injector assembly being shipped to me now (second time this has cracked from the air valve being tightened just a touch to much or accidentally bumping it) Instead of the air valve being screwed...
  6. jbailey52

    Help with external skimmer

    Got ya. I just found a mag 24 at My work yard from an old pond..... Is this way too big??!! Can it actually damage anything?
  7. jbailey52

    Help with external skimmer

    Ok. Thanks for the info. From the info I found and my email with MRC themselves they told me there were two pumps they recommended for the skimmer, and one of them was the mag 8. Well the mag 12 is way to much just for the return pump to my DT anyway so I will switch them and see why happens.
  8. jbailey52

    Help with external skimmer

    Ok great. Well I have the mag 8 for the skimmer that is recommended.. I also have a mag 12 I could use so what's my best bet for figuring which to use? Can one be TOO powerful?? Again at max I would say it will be pushing through 4' maybe 5' of 3/4" hose
  9. jbailey52

    Help with external skimmer

    Hi everyone... I am hooking up my my reef creations mr-1 skimmer. I previously had it installed in sump but was told the output needed to be above the water line. I am having trouble installing it under the tank, so I want to install it up at tank level, next to the tank. My tank is installed in...
  10. jbailey52

    Calibrating Refractometer everyday?

    It's funny how my swing arm is on exactly the same and is actually a lot easier and quicker
  11. jbailey52

    Calibrating Refractometer everyday?

    Just an update.. I floated the calibration solution, and it worked perfect.
  12. jbailey52

    Calibrating Refractometer everyday?

    What About the refractometer itself? Where should this be kept? In my heated office so it's not cold?
  13. jbailey52

    Calibrating Refractometer everyday?

    Its a c scope refractometer... Could is have anything to do with temp? Sometimes the refracto is behind my tank in the garage ( I have an in wall tank so the equipment is in garage) and the solution might be warmer in the house or vice versa. I have kept both in the house however and this still...
  14. jbailey52

    Calibrating Refractometer everyday?

    I am using a 1.026 calibration solution to calibrate, and it is off .05 everyday... where as my old swing hydrometer is dead on everyday..... anyone know why or whats up? Why should I have to be calibrating this everyday?
  15. jbailey52

    90 G in wall rebuild

    Thank you... The stone is an EP Henry Product.. I am a landscaper, and actually just had it left over at my yard so I used it..... Yes the door is pretty scary right? When I initially hung the TV about a year ago, I pictured a mad employee, or just me for that matter opening the door to quickly...
  16. jbailey52

    90 G in wall rebuild

    Hey Everyone, I think I did this thread backwards from most. I did not post pictures during my build, but I finished the project and am posting now. I am about 95% complete. I still need to hook up my MRC-1 Skimmer, and waiting on my Phoenix 14000k 250W MHs. This is a 90G AGA tank with corner...
  17. jbailey52

    Please watch this video!

  18. jbailey52

    Please watch this video!

    Yea be is exhausted afterwards. All the fish are currently in. 20 g hospital tank for the last week as I am relocating my display tank as an in wall setup in my office. And he's it still happens in there.
  19. jbailey52

    Please watch this video!

    It still happens a couple times a day, but other than those episodes it acts totally normal jut like always. Always has a strong appetite also. It's actually hard watching it happen.
  20. jbailey52

    AGA overflow drain help

    Thanks. Besides the return pump I use 3 koralia power heads. A 1450 a 1050 and a 750 so I do have good turn over in that respect but maybe I will rethink this.