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  1. kistler

    tank with ich

    I was told to treat a tank with coppersafe to help stop the ich but place the fish in a H-T and treat them with a pill NEOMYCIN 2 caps for 3 days in my 10 gal. and then let the fish rest in that tank (4 fish). all of the fish seem to be doing well. this fish are no longer my worry after 1-2 days...
  2. kistler

    powerheads: how important in FOWLR?

    Originally Posted by fishnet I also have some powerheads leftover from a freshwater tank. Can I still use them or should I get ones designed for a saltwater tank? (yeah, I'm new to this -- thanks for helping me.) What kind of powerheads? Some are made just for fresh water and some for both, I...
  3. kistler

    powerheads: how important in FOWLR?

    I have 4 Maxijet 1200 and 2 Maxijet 600 in my 55 gal - - That doesn’t include the Maxijet 1200 on the SeaClone Skimmer or the H.O.T. Magnum Compact filter Sometimes I wonder if that’s too much, but everyone is happy and has been for almost a year now.
  4. kistler

    Lawnmower eats fish food

    yeah i have a cover on the tank... and he is fater than when i got him 6 months ago, he had alot of work that he got cleaned up in 3 weeks :)
  5. kistler

    Lawnmower eats fish food

    I was feeding my fish and my Lawnmower was watching the fish eat and then he started to do the same and I was like monkey see monkey do... but I am wondering is he getting enough to eat?? There are a few small patches of green hair alga he has not eaten in the past few weeks so I know I have...
  6. kistler

    worm, I might need ID

    This is what i found one year later after. I was cleaning my tank and out of no where here is a worm. I have thought i seen something in the past at night. well I have an idea of what this is but I want to know what you guys think it is. Thanks
  7. kistler

    Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?

    well what i was looking to get isnt open anymore :(, Lemonpeel Angel, If He comes back online, i'll still buy with you guys or i'll just have to wait. :( keep an eye out with me
  8. kistler

    howmuch money do you have in your systems?

    same for me around a grand for my 55 gal
  9. kistler

    its a sad day :( (fish are alive)

    ::Update:: not good :( he is with is friends swiming in a better place:( i am said, all his buds in the big tank are gonna hate me now:(
  10. kistler

    Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?

    yeah i know where that is, good location :), I will be in lansing durning feb and march.
  11. kistler

    its a sad day :( (fish are alive)

    ::update:: he is very very week. I dont know if I will sleep tonight :(. I had to turn off evry thing in his tank but the air/bubble rock. I hope he makes it
  12. kistler

    Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?

    where do you live i dont need address yet but just an idea. and feb/march works for me
  13. kistler

    its a sad day :( (fish are alive)

    I woke up this morning and I started my day off as always Eat breakfast and watch fish :). then I seen a blood spot on one of the fish and I was like "Time to go see the “oooeee oooahah teng tang” doctor”, fish doctor, and well I started to get ready and 5 min later that same fish got stuck on...
  14. kistler

    Blue Chromis fish has spots

    No he isnt acting diffrent, They werent there when i got him. I got him like 3 months ago or go
  15. kistler

    Blue Chromis fish has spots

    i kinda looks like he is fading out in some spots, losing color. or getting bit idk
  16. kistler

    Blue Chromis fish has spots

    I dont know what this is, or what is causeing this but my Chromis fish seems to be geting lighter spost on his body everywhere like 4 on one side and like 7 on the other, could he be getting hurt? Image dont help alot camera stinks, i tried
  17. kistler

    Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?

    I will I live in Kearsley/Davison school dis if were doing it in feb just let me know,
  18. kistler

    The case of the disappering fish....

    My Xmas is shot, I can have a great X-mas now that i know a tang has died upset. Dude, please please sell the of ther Tang he isnt gonna last. ::EDIT:: DUDE 3 TANGS SH** MAN GET WOW why why why, i thought there was only 2, there was 3 o man SAVE THEM, where in NY do you live ??????? :mad: :mad...
  19. kistler

    Did my star have a baby

    I have tried to give him shrimp he(sand sifter) don't want it. its been almost 2 weeks and he is very active, i seems to like one spot a lot and moves around during the night, ( i am not saying he is happy but he looks it as of now) what would I give him other than shrimp??
  20. kistler

    The case of the disappering fish....

    NO EXPERT BUT NEATHER IS HE wow fine dont listen to us but the tangs need to go, they need room to swim, and sure a baby tang would be find in a 29 gal tank. BUT HE IS NOT ALONE. ONE, you have 2 tangs, not that great of an idea, tangs like to be in a large group or not in one at all, 2 are to...