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  1. oct22baby

    Do you cure your own live rock?

    Originally Posted by Ice4Ice Whether live rock is purchased cured or not, it's best to take care of the die offs. One way you can cure LR is do it the garage or small room in the basement using large rubbermaid tubs. I don't have a garage or basement option - so whatever has to be done, has to...
  2. oct22baby

    Do you cure your own live rock?

    From what I've read, it's a stinky process. I would prefer to buy it already cured, because I do not have enough space to put it anywhere that it won't offend basically all of our living space. Hubby said I could have tank if it didn't smell, so this is something I'm hoping to avoid having to...
  3. oct22baby

    210 stocking list

    Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG 2 angelfish is a BIGGGGGGG mistake Other than the Flame Angel, what other fish was an Angel? I'm still learning.. so please pardon me :help:
  4. oct22baby

    Can I do this? :)

    Not that I can answer you on the question of the fish, but how big is the tank you're using? Seems like that would be a big help to know.
  5. oct22baby

    do fish get cleaned all the time by cleaner shrimp?

    Should a cleaner shrimp be in the tank from the get-go, or do you add them after it's established? Sounds like they help, not hurt, right? LFS has very friendly cleaner shrimp and I would like to have one in mine when it's up, too.
  6. oct22baby

    Question about heaters

    $20 for a heater is less than I would have expected, that's not a problem at all. I don't have a bottomless wallet by any means, but I do have the patience to wait for the right setup before introducing fish that I can't take care of properly at the time... (plus, I get to read/research more...
  7. oct22baby

    Question about heaters

    What I have on layaway is the "Marine Kit" that the LFS puts together to give you a discount if you commit to buying all at once, and I have absolutely NO qualms about changing that as my research progresses (or adding to it - another heater in this case). We decided we wanted to do a tank, and...
  8. oct22baby

    Question about heaters

    So, I'm reading my book and wondering if I should use 2 heaters intead of one for my 46 gal bow front. The heater I do have on layaway is 200W, I believe, and is one that you set the temp you want, and it adjusts to that temp (preset) vs. one that you turn up or down manually. Would you get 2...
  9. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Originally Posted by fender Yes, it gives a good general knowledge base. Alot of people come onto boards asking what live rock is, what is a cycle, what is a skimmer, help I just bought a 10 gallon tank, some salt, a tang, an anenome some clown fish what do I do now, etc. Maybe it is just my way...
  10. oct22baby


    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to eventually get a seahorse. Is that even a good idea w/a 46 gal tank, and what should I avoid putting in there thinking that a seahorse would eventually come to live with us? I am thinking fish-only (with a little live rock, but no corals if I can do that) for my first...
  11. oct22baby

    Angelfish question

    Originally Posted by Dr. Evil they are fast little buggers and really mean because once they live in the tank by themselves for awhile they dont like company. i had some when i started and i couldnt put anything in my tank they would actually chase the new guys out of the tank. :help: I had...
  12. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Originally Posted by fender Great startup read but is a bit dated now. I have it at home and bought it after I bought the tank and before I did anything else. Saved me alot of heartache. Every noob should read it before setting up a tank and asking questions on the intraweb. ;) Read the book...
  13. oct22baby

    Angelfish question

    I was reading about the problems of catching Damsels here... wondering why they are so hard to catch!
  14. oct22baby

    remove damsels

    Originally Posted by Bugapash if you have an unwanted lamp, remove the wire from the base and strip both wires (while it is unplugged). Then plug the wire back into the socket and put both ends into the water. If done right, your damsels should float to the top of the tank in a few minutes...
  15. oct22baby

    Angelfish question

    I called LFS lady yesterday, and she said we should start w/some Damsels (as they are cheap) to cycle the tank for the first 4 weeks at least. Then LFS can take them back (as they are territorial) and we can go from there, but she suggested not putting Angels in for about 6 months as well...
  16. oct22baby

    Angelfish question

    Cool, thanks for the timeline. What did you start your tank with?
  17. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Thanks for the link, I'm going to check out the thread now.
  18. oct22baby

    Angelfish question

    Tank size will be 46 gallons. I love the Flame Angelfish and the Yellowfin Pygmy Angelfish. I assume I can't put both in the tank. Any suggestions or info on either one? My experience level is zero, but I have supportive LFS and doing my research first! :thinking:
  19. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Oh, and she wants to make sure they are fish known to do well in home aquariums. She said some fish just aren't meant to be taken from the ocean, and will not order or sell those just to make someone happy to have it.
  20. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    I really think so. Otherwise, I doubt I would do this. Their tanks are so clean, and they spent time petting the fish and really seem to know exactly who is in what tank, how long they've been there, how they are doing, etc. I love that she is willing to work with me and help me make sure my...