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  1. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Thanks! I'm looking at the fish on this site for photos and care levels, etc., to get an idea of what I like, so then I can use those books and the wonderful LFS lady. I'm realizing that I am very lucky to have a good LFS to use and someone who is willing to teach me. She said if there is...
  2. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Very good book! Not quite as much detail as Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist, yet, still has a lot of good info. Actually, that's the next one I'll order, but since I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to handle salt water, I thought I'd get one book...
  3. oct22baby

    I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it? I am looking forward to it arriving tomorrow! Thought I would post the link for anyone else looking for it - there are good reviews on the site. :cheer: It's The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S Paletta.
  4. oct22baby

    Buy livestock online or at LFS

    We have 2 LFS in town, both in the same chain. I can't wait to buy my fish at the 1st one (where I got the tank, etc. on lay a way now), but the other I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, and probably will never go in again. It made me want to cry with the overcrowded, dirty tanks. The better...
  5. oct22baby

    So, Santa is bringing me a 46 gal bow front..

    I live in Ohio, and not sure if we can post names of stores here or not, but if you wind up wanting to know where I got this, I'll email it if you ask. The $250 doesn't include tax, but the whole shebang (minus fish, of course) is $543 with tax, which I figured wasn't bad considering I got the...
  6. oct22baby

    new coral/dead fish

    I'm so sorry! That sucks. I have no idea what the answer is, although it would seem kind of obvious to me, unless it's a real fluke that it all happened at the same time.
  7. oct22baby

    So, Santa is bringing me a 46 gal bow front..

    I forgot to mention, I got the tank, stand and hood for $250 - about half price at a chain in the area who is disconinuing the "maple" finish. Have you purchased your tank yet???
  8. oct22baby

    So, Santa is bringing me a 46 gal bow front..

    Thanks! I was starting to wonder if 46 gal was enough... and I love the idea of getting sea horses someday. Here's a link to another post about them in case you are interested...
  9. oct22baby

    wooohooo Quarentine!

    Ok, thanks ryanhayes... when starting a new tank (like me) do you put the fish in together and then get a quarantine tank only when your big one is established? I have so much to learn!
  10. oct22baby

    wat fish can i get?

    I don't have my tank even at home yet... we haven't picked it up, but I've been told approx 2" of fish per gallon, however I have not done enough research to know if that's the prevailing suggestion or not. I'll be watching this post to see what other say since I'm working w/the same size (or...
  11. oct22baby

    wooohooo Quarentine!

    Is a quarantine tank just one that has the same water as your regular tank & set up in an emergency in case you need to separate a little bugger?? Just curious. Never heard of it (in my whopping 1 week of experience of looking at fish tanks).
  12. oct22baby

    So, Santa is bringing me a 46 gal bow front..

    I am so excited! :jumping: I decided that I wanted to do saltwater vs. tropical, and have been going through each fish on this site, adding some to my favorites so I can narrow down who I want to inhabit my tank... and so that I don't lose a bunch of money on fish that get eaten by others. I...