Search results

  1. albie611

    Need to get rid of GSP's and Orange Fuzzy Shrooms

    i have purple and green stripe shrooms to trade e-mail me and let me know
  2. albie611

    Stuff For Sale In Nj

    are the zoo's still available? could i come by to see/ purchase?
  3. albie611

    Stuff For Sale In Nj

    i would like to buy some zoos, shrooms and maybe frogspawn. i live by sandy hook and could stop by to look/ pick up.
  4. albie611

    Help! Mushrooms appear to be dying

    i agree........lower lights to a few hrs a day and slowly bring back up to what you had them at. mushrooms are very hardy and will adapt to survive just give them time , also try feed spot feeding the yellow polyps(marine snow) sometimes they take a while to aclimate to the new tank and water...
  5. albie611

    enough water?

    i agree it's hard to tell without a detailed description of the tank and all the water parameters. how often do you feed (overfeed), and how is the skimmer working... maybe run the skimmer a little wetter to remove more skimmate, try a 20 % w/c weekly until the trates are under 10. by the way...
  6. albie611

    curring live rock?

    wow....... i was told not to run a skimmer because it will remove too much i guess i will now add a skimmer to the set up.
  7. albie611

    curring live rock?

  8. albie611

    question on GSP ?

    well here is the run down: 20 gal reef with 130 w p/c , hob skimmer,hob filter, 2 powerheads for flow all water parameters good. s/g 1.024, ph 8.2 , amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate not detectable,phos.>0.2 cal 480-520.........adding iodine,strontium,and trace once a week, 10-15% water change...
  9. albie611

    Xenia out of CONTROL!

    the best way to control it imo is to use a sizzors to cut stalks ( remove as fast as possible so they will not drift away. if not careful they will get lodged under a rock and will grow everywhere.) onced removed put in a small container of tank water , they will slime, after a few minutes...
  10. albie611

    curring live rock?

  11. albie611

    new in sump skimmer... what is this thing?

    its probably a collection tube you can run to a remote tank so you dont have to empty the cup as often. if it is conected to the collection cup then thats what it is. if you have room ,take an empty 1 gal. container and run it in there to collect the skimmate. good luck.
  12. albie611

    curring live rock?

    week two: just checked parameters and were: s/g 1.024,ph 8.2, amonia=0, trite > 0.25 , trate > 100 I did a 75 % water change . MY ? : is this going well and what else should i do. i want to add sand and eggcrate because i want to make this my frag tank , should i add a filter or not ...
  13. albie611

    oh no, still no help

    how big is the tank? if you have room maybe try a tang , they love almost any type of hair algea. i had one years ago ago and it kept all the hair algea in check on my 90 gal. also maybe a lawnmower blenny could help.
  14. albie611

    Is red slime unhealthy for Inhabitants?

    imo it will not harm the crabs but keep a close eye on the water quality and do weekly 25% water changes with RODI water.also try to remove as much as you can when syphoning. once your nitrates are down to 0 for a while the red slime should "starve" and go away, another good why to control slime...
  15. albie611

    curring live rock?

    i week into cure and parameters are as follows: SG 1.024 , PH 8.2 , temp 78*, amonia >o but < 0.25, nitrite 2.5-5.0, phos >1 i know phos is to high but i used tap water to mix salt do you think its time for a water change yet or should i let it continue to cycle?
  16. albie611

    New tank.. brown and green growing everywhere!

    sounds like high phosphate or nitrates to me . use only RODI water when doing changes/ top off and you will fix in a short period of time. good luck.
  17. albie611

    growth speed

    well i'm very anal about my parameters and everything is as good as i can get them . sg 1.024, trates <10, posphate <0.2,amonia 0, cal. 500,ph 8.2 i am just wondering if i'm lucky ,or doing good/bad as far as growth is concerned. i put gsp in tank about 2mo. ago and have seen 2 small clusters...
  18. albie611

    growth speed

    can anyone tell me how long it should take befor i see an increase in size for : gsp , zoanthids , and mushrooms / ricordia thanks
  19. albie611

    my fragging experiment

    any chance of me getting a frag of that awsome orange ric? im in highlands NJ
  20. albie611

    looking for ricordia

    hi all, live in south jersey im a newby and looking for some small ricordia, either green or orange or anything cool to add to my 20 gal mini. and possibly frag for trading later on.