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  1. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Good deeds are rare to come by anymore.. but it'd sure be nice to get a Solid from somebody. lol
  2. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Snake, are you in or around Illinois?
  3. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Gonna cost yah an arm and a leg. Lol are you volunteering, kind Sir?
  4. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Ohhh cmon now.. somebody on here gotta be helpful lol. besides, I don't have an arm OR a leg in my wallet - maybe a couple $20's :)
  5. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    ok. I know there's a lot of hype on the topic of scrubbers, and for good reason: they work. my problem is I need one, and don't have the time, tools or skills to build one. what I am asking for is if someone (possibly in the So. Illinois area, or wherever if they can ship it) to build me a PVC...
  6. shane784

    newbie needing help. (pics)

    ok, so a 2nd powerhead and an upgrade to a larger filter... CHECK... based on my bioload; would this decrease the buildup of algae alltogether?? also another question: i purchased a small bottle of Kent's Essential Elements to try to keep my chemistry at a MINIMUM atleast, but once i install...
  7. shane784

    newbie needing help. (pics)

    I have an internal skimmer rated @30gal, also running a Marineland Penguin 200 with only mech. filtration and I have 5 mangrove shoots fixed in the top of that filter. I'm really jus experimenting - I live out in the sticks so mainly I order all my stuff and get all my info online unless I goto...
  8. shane784

    newbie needing help. (pics)

    Hi, and thank you for the welcome. like I stated earlier I did a 5g water change this evening and also jus tested my water a few minutes ago. these results are my best interpretation of the test color agains the color chart. pH - 8.2/8.3 Ammo - < .25 ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Nitrate - < 5 ppm (about 2.5)
  9. shane784

    newbie needing help. (pics)

    hello all. I'm new to the hobby yet already in deep! I've got a 20 gallon that's been running about 2 months and can't seem to keep brown algae off my glass and gravel bed. I've resorted to water changes every other day and most recently set up 5 mangrove seedlings in my filter with a light to...