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  1. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    Was debating whether or not to leave it grow for several weeks till its thick?
  2. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    I clean it every friday but its a fresh screen n not much growth. lights are on it from 6pm till 12pm. :/
  3. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    Jus threw my internal skimmer back in And also I run a makeshift algae scrubber
  4. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    Get better bulbs and test kits. How old is this setup? I've done EBay frags, they're always brown. The sellers will claim that they "browned out in shipping" but it takes longer than that. They can make a come back as long as they haven't turned white or shed their skin. What types of SPS did...
  5. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    So tell me about this AI VEGA
  6. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    So what would be your suggestion for a 20 gal tank such as mine. I wanna be able to grow anything.. I was looking at a cheap MH fixture on ebay that looked worth it to be a first timer. 18" 1x150W. 14K HQI + 2 14W t5.. or a 24" 1x 250W 15K HQI + 4x24 w t5
  7. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    Ok will do. actually upgrading to a 120W LED fixture by the end of this month.. would 16K @ 120W sustain any kind of SPS?
  8. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    I feed a few flakes 1-2 times a day. I use Reef crystals for water changes. the frags were not brown when I got them in, they lost color during shipping. all my tests are API (upgrading soon to all Hanna Checker) and my Alkalinity test is Tropic Marin. I do not have a phos or mag test. my temp...
  9. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    and this dendro has yet to poke his head out. added it 2 weeks ago!
  10. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    I bought them off eBay, so that might be the problem... also i dont test for phosphate so that might be #2... i also notice all my other corals have reached a plateau effect. i am consistent with the water changes and algae harvesting. i began testing calcium and alkalinity as of friday and to...
  11. shane784

    Chemistry Concern.

    I've got a 20 gallon tall. +20 lbs live rocks 156 watt quad T5 fixture (10K,actinic,purple,light purple) algae filter AQUEON 500 GPG circ pump 2 clowns 1 mandarin cleaner shrimp snail. LOTS of softies/lps 2 sps frags 5 gallon water change every Friday Ca 480 kH 8-9 pH 8.0 Ammo 0 NI 0 NA 0 SPS...
  12. shane784

    PH problem

    Assuming your problem is too much CO2, that is...
  13. shane784

    PH problem

    airstones are bad in saltwater. maybe just stick the tubing in your tank for large bubbles. also increase your circulation ; aim your pumps toward the surface.
  14. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    I can wait a bit still. only time sensitive subject is I've got my skimmer sold to a guy so I can downgrade to a smaller one and run the scrubber together
  15. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    nope. haven't gotten one yet.
  16. shane784

    Rodi filter

    +1 yes, could someone check this out and review? id like to get one also n start changing my 3 tanks over :)
  17. shane784

    Snake's Methods for Acclimation

    2 cyphastrea 1 Dendrophyllia 1 Acro plana 1 zoa 1 Favia suggested placement would be appreciated. these arr all in a 20 tall
  18. shane784

    Snake's Methods for Acclimation

    If I'm buying frags from a seller that uses 400W MH and I use 4x39W T5 light light acclimation isn't neccessary?? so basically I can jus place them in their permanent location and jus let them go? no adjusting photo period or anything??
  19. shane784

    BTA help

    (pats back)