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  1. shane784

    BTA help

    why would u yank him out?? jus hook up your new lights and cut ur light cycle in half, run it for a week like that then add 30 mins each week till back to 10 hrs. bta will come out
  2. shane784

    Maxspect R420R (Razor) by Coralvue

    When I said SICK I was referring to my rainbow acan lol.. but the units offer 2 temp options: 10K and 16K but both channels on the units are fully dimmable blue n white
  3. shane784

    Maxspect R420R (Razor) by Coralvue

    attractive points that I find nice is the timer function with ability to adjust intensity, high power for sps and overall workmanship... I jus can't decide between the 2 color temps they offer.. it would be going on a 20 gal tall clownfish tank with corals; but I don't wanna be restricted to sps...
  4. shane784

    Maxspect R420R (Razor) by Coralvue

    Anybody else have experience with the Razors? looking into getting one this weekend.. still "Iffy" about it.
  5. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Ohh ok I was jus wonderin. thanks man!
  6. shane784

    Clown hosting

    what is a good natural host for a clownfish a magnificent anemone? be sufficient do these come in colors or do they change in the conditions
  7. shane784

    BTA help

    If u doubled up on your lighting would be fine. 8x54w
  8. shane784

    Pitbulls... Let's have the debate.

    And I am sorry this screams ignorance. I agree darth, but to a point she is right. unkosher ppl tend to obtain pits because they know they arr intimidating and can be trained to attack.. but. not a SOLE choice for people of the underworld, its the norm nowadays - like how rich people wanna buy...
  9. shane784

    Pitbulls... Let's have the debate.

    I think I can speak for everyone (if I can't let me kno) when I say that ANY dog in the wrong owners hands can be a bad seed. I personally have a pit and she is 4 yrs old and weighs 60lbs! she loves to play and even when getting rough she never bites. shows teeth yeah and I can put my arm in her...
  10. shane784

    BTA help

    not enough light. 200watts on a 125 is not enough IMO 5W/1gal
  11. shane784

    Clown hosting

    that's pretty sweet!... I just bought a Condylactus last week in an attempt to give my pair of Oc. clowns a home.. got it home then found out they aren't natural hosts :/ so I'm torn whether to jus keep hoping they take to it or get rid of it for a diff kind. any true tips to try to get them to...
  12. shane784

    New fish

    May be a female?
  13. shane784

    Just got an anemone. Need advice

    If you have adequate lighting and flow it will move where it finds comfortable and stay. feeding is not neccessary but occassional food is okay; as it gets its food and energy from light. overfeeding is possible. 1ce or 2ce a week is enough
  14. shane784

    strarting diy live rock

    sounds sweet! waiting for pics!
  15. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Jstdv8, just wondering if your offer still stood on being able to piece together a scrubber if you find the time.. don't mean to be bothersome - just wonderin..
  16. shane784

    Lets see those tanks!

    20g tall Hydor Nano 240 Custom HOB turf scrubber PR Oc. Clowns Cleaner Shrimp Green/Blue Mandarin Florida Condy 'Nem Aussie Acan Frogspawn Hammer coral Asst. Zoas Pink Xenia GSP Green Slimer Acan (frag) Hairy Shrooms
  17. shane784

    Painting tank background black question...

    If your skimmers collection cup smells like Low Tide then its workin perfect lol. let us (me) kno how that painting goes and how it looks from the front cuz i've got a 6 ft tank I need to do this to
  18. shane784

    Painting tank background black question...

    I too have the same problem I have a 125 already setup but no background its right up against my wall with about 2 inches off clearance . suggestions?
  19. shane784

    question about T5 lighting

    If your interested in an investment that will last you as long as the tank itself, and pay for itself over time... also be able to grow/keep ANYthing.. look into a pair of 120W Maxspect Razor LED fixtures.. you would need 2 of them side by side and the reviews are excellent on them... granted...
  20. shane784

    question about T5 lighting

    i honestly don't think so; however someone else my have a different opinion. you could put one in the tank but it might not live too long if you see yourself stocking your tank with hard corals or an anemone jus invest your money in a metal halide + T5 fixture. the money you were planning on...