Lets see those tanks!



I am trying some black construction paper on the back of the tank to see if I want to cover the back. I might just get a nice all black background and attach it to the back, OR what I might do is paint the back of that little cove where the tank is black. What do you guys think?

I am also working on plans to add a canopy to the tank. I am really hating the way the lights look with all the wires.

Here are the two sides, one covered in black paper one not. I think the black makes it pop more and hides the wires. But would painting the back wall do the same thing??? We will see.

Couple pics of coral. Orange Lobo (left) and Green Slimmer (I think that is what it is) on the right

You should try vinyl. It's like 1.50 per ft.



What are you guys using for cameras? I ask because every photo I take comes out really blue.

Their camera prolly has an auto white balance feature. You are prolly shooting in the wrong setting.


Thank you.
Here is my 90 gal mixed. My Sebae Anemone is 10-12 inches across. My Armour of Gods zoas. My little Yellow Watchman Goby near some Mushrooms.



20g tall
Hydor Nano 240
Custom HOB turf scrubber
PR Oc. Clowns
Cleaner Shrimp
Green/Blue Mandarin
Florida Condy 'Nem
Aussie Acan
Hammer coral
Asst. Zoas
Pink Xenia
Green Slimer Acan (frag)
Hairy Shrooms


New Member
All these tanks are awsome. Not one is any better then the next. Hard to believe that we built a little ecosystem in our houses. I'm running out of room. I gotta figure out how to frag some corals. And now my Kenya tree is being hosted by my true perc


Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/391365/lets-see-those-tanks/100#post_3507270
Nice set up! What lights are you using? Water looks a little greenish
Thank you, the water isn't green, I just suck at taking pictures. The photo's were really blue but I messed with the camera settings and now they look like that. As for the lights, I have an ATI Sunpower 6x54 w T-5. When I first plugged it in, the wife wanted me to move the tank because there was too much glare on the TV. Keep in mind the TV is in the living room and the tank is in the dining room. It's time to get new ATI bulbs though, all of them are a year old now.
Those are called shaving brush plants, a macro algae. An excellent addition to help control excessive nutrients and different types of micro algae. Not to mention, they're pretty cool looking, lol.


YeaThose are called shaving brush plants, a macro algae. An excellent addition to help control excessive nutrients and different types of micro algae. Not to mention, they're pretty cool looking, lol. I thought it was coral the way it looked
Its a labor of love and pure stubbornness, lol. Aquarium hobbyists are some of the most patient people in the world and some of the most impatient too. We know what we want to do and we want to do it all right now. We also know we can't, lol.



Here you go!  I skipped image 2 and 4...you got 99% of the tank just in images 1 and 3.

Now.  How hard is it to take 3 steps back and shoot this image?  :na-na:
My husband is the photographer. He never takes just one FTS for me. I always have to be the one to do it.
I have no photoshop skills so I wouldn't have ever figured out how you did that! But , thanks!


Well-Known Member
Heheheh, that was really quick and dirty....I used the healing brush to help blend and hide the seams, but any photoshop user can see exactly where the dividing line is. What I really love about your tank is the amount of Coraline you have growing...that tank is PURPLE!!