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  1. tmkx3

    pods for mandrin

    I have 125g w/125lbs of lr. My tank has been set-up for 18months. I waited to get my mandrin until my tank matured, but know I am reading that my mandrin will deplete my tank of pods in about three months. I don't have a refugium or a sump. What I do have is a hob filter and a hob protien...
  2. tmkx3

    pods for mandrin

    [hr] I have 125g w/125lbs of lr. My tank has been set-up for 18months. I waited to get my mandrin until my tank matured, but know I am reading that my mandrin will deplete my tank of pods in about three months. I don't have a refugium or a sump. What I do have is a hob filter and a hob protien...
  3. tmkx3


    I don't have a fuge. I do have a hob filter with fiber fill in it. Will pods grow there? My tank is not drilled. All my equitment is hob. Do you think it will be to stressful to move him right now?
  4. tmkx3


    The qt has 2 pieces of lr and sand from the main. Should I move him back to the main? The spots I saw I think might be sand. I know that moving them stress them out. I was gonna wait a week or 2 and try to get him to eat prepared food.
  5. tmkx3


    I have 125g tank w/125lr. The tank has been set-up 2years. i have waited to get my mandrin because I know they only eat pods. Actually I put him in the main first ( I acclimated by dripping 2 hrs ) but removed him an hr later because of the white spots. I have read about them usually not geting...
  6. tmkx3


    I have a green madrin that is currently in qt( I just got him). I have 2 pieces of lr in the qt. I have been trying to get him toi eat myis shrimp but I am not sure if he is eating them. He picks at the sand. Can I assume he is eating? I haven't really seen him pick at the rock. He also has...
  7. tmkx3


    I started treating with coppersafe last night for ick. I tested the wter for my copper levels afterwards.They are in a 55g qt. I added 13 teaspoons because the tank isn't all the way full. Mt test is a little hard to read. The kit jumps from 2.0 to 4.0 and I know that the # needs to be about...
  8. tmkx3

    hypo without refractermeter

    I have ick on my tang and I would like to do hypo but I only have a hydrometer. I have priced a refractometer and can't afford one right now. How dangerous is it to just use th hydrometer? Would doing a copper treatment be better? I hate meds
  9. tmkx3

    qt questions

    yea I know that is what my problem is. Will It be easier to maintain the water quality in the main tank because of the more volume of water? Or will it be easier in the 55 because of less water to change? :notsure:
  10. tmkx3

    qt questions

    If I cycle the qt won't that take a month or longer? Won't the lr already have enough bacteria to maintain the inverts? I have 150lbs of fully cured rock. This is what I have been using for a biological filter in my main tank. All I run is a protien skimmer and a uv sterilizer.
  11. tmkx3

    qt questions

    I have a tang that has ick. I guess I am gonna go hypo. I have a 55g I can use but It isn't set-up yet. I have an hob on the main but It has only been there a month. I am concerned about water qualty in the qt due to no biological filter. I have also read about ph problems during hypo. Is this...
  12. tmkx3

    disappearing ick?

    My fish don't seem to like the garlic. I haven't seen any more spots for 2 days now. I am waiting and watching. Tinia
  13. tmkx3

    Is a salinity level of 1.013 enoguh to kill the ick ?

    I am researching ick because I may have a case but from what I have read the salinity has to be at 1.009 for at least 4 weeks. Try this site Marine ich... Tinia :happyfish
  14. tmkx3

    disappearing ick?

    I bought some garlicXtreme from the lfs. Does this help? I am a little confused about the instructions. It says to soak the food at the ratio of 2 drops to one teaspoon. That is way to much food for one sitting. I only have 5 small fish. Can I treat one teaspoon and save it? How exactly do you...
  15. tmkx3

    disappearing ick?

    okay I am crazy. I saw these little white spots all over one of my clown this morning at about 6:30 am ( I had my son look and he saw them too) When I got home at 9:30 am and checked the fish they were gone. Where did they go. I read some articles on ick and from what I understand the white...
  16. tmkx3

    First fish

    ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5.0 125g 125lbs sand pro prizm eco jagger heater 1200 maxie jet 70lbs live rock Sorry about the previous post. I put everything in columns but when I submitted they all ran together. I acclimated the fish for about an hour in a bucket by adding water from the main...
  17. tmkx3

    First fish

    Ammonia 0 125 gallon 1 fire shrimp nittite 0 pro prizm skimmer 2 emerald crabs nitrate 5.0 Ebo jagger heater 2 turbo snails 70lbs rock 1200 maxie jet 1 bahama starfish 125lbs sand I just...
  18. tmkx3

    First fish

    just put in my first fish :cheer: :cheer: .THey are 2 tank raised false perculas. i put them in yesterday. At first they were kinda swimming back and forth acrossed the tank as fast as they could almost like they were racing or maybe pacing. Is this normal? In freshwater this is called...
  19. tmkx3

    Advice on chosing fish

    Hi I also have a new 125g tank. Our fish list look almost the same. I have been told that the naso's get to big for my tank. I also have read on another forum that you should have 5g of water for every inch of fish roughly. How long has your tank been set-up? Are you already cycled? I am still...
  20. tmkx3

    cycling questions

    :cheer: I have a 125g w/70lbs lr and 125lbs of sand. I added my rock on Oct 22. A week later I had no readings. I added 3 cocktail shrimp left them in for 4 days,still no readings. I took a water sample to my lfs. He got a very small nitrite reading 0 everything else. Today a week later I took...