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  1. phxjosh

    Growing Coral - Whats Required?

    Bump. Thanks.
  2. phxjosh

    Growing Coral - Whats Required?

    Bump. Thanks.
  3. phxjosh

    Growing Coral - Whats Required?

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Just a couple more questions. Is this to be a frag tank, a tank to culture coral for sale later? Is this to be a display tank for show off the beauty of a coral reef? As you may know different coral will require different things. Is this to be a...
  4. phxjosh

    Growing Coral - Whats Required?

    Say I wanted a tank 100% for growing coral only, no fish, nothing but coral, what all would be required? I have a 55g tank set aside for growing coral, I am just not sure what to do exactly, do I need live rock and live sand? Do I need fish in there to help the coral grow? I am a complete...
  5. phxjosh

    Initial Supplies for 120g Tank?

    We would like a 6ft long if we can fit it, but we might need a 4ft, maybe go a little taller so I can keep the gallons up. I have a old 20g, can I use it for the sump? Any tutorials how to build a sump?
  6. phxjosh

    Initial Supplies for 120g Tank?

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor i would check CL and see if anyone in your area is selling a used tank and equipment. you can save tons of money by buying a used tank. no matter the tank size a skimmer is required IMO. bigger is better for salt tanks and sumps are the best filtration for...
  7. phxjosh

    Initial Supplies for 120g Tank?

    How much is a setup for that?
  8. phxjosh

    Initial Supplies for 120g Tank?

    We might go a little smaller, would a 55g need a sump? I am trying to avoid using a sump at all, I would like to use a protin skimmer if possible? So if I buy water where do I get 120 gallons? I have no idea how to get that much besides buying 120 individual gallons or something, or a few 5...
  9. phxjosh

    Initial Supplies for 120g Tank?

    We are in the process of buying a condo, and one of the first things we plan to buy is a SW tank. We are looking to do a 100+ gallon setup, we will have more exact measurements once we move in and decide where it's going. We are looking for a list of supplies so we can start buying everything...
  10. phxjosh

    Lighting for Live Rock?

    So I need around 3 watts per gallon? Can I use a light fixture from like home depot? They hold the lights, and cost much less.
  11. phxjosh

    30g vs 55g?

    Originally Posted by coastie81 not many at all, also depends on the filtration you are going to be using. It is all about how much bio-load your tank can handle. NOT the rule of so many fish per gallon Good to know, I think I will just wait and get a 55g or larger then.
  12. phxjosh

    Lighting for Live Rock?

    I keep finding mixed answers, so hopefully someone here can help. I am doing a FOWLR setup, how much lighting is needed to keep live rock? What about to keep some soft corals like mushrooms and such? Also, there seems to be many different types of bulbs, do I need the 50/50 type or the 10k/20k...
  13. phxjosh

    30g vs 55g?

    How many fish could I keep in a 30 gallon? I was going to start off with a pair of false clowns.
  14. phxjosh

    30g vs 55g?

    I have read that its harder to keep a smaller tank, but what is considered small? I found a nice sized tank today, it was 30x16x16 I believe. Would a tank like this be much harder than a standard 55g? The smaller tank would fit better in my room.
  15. phxjosh

    Moving in 5 Months - Wait?

    I am moving in 5 months, and I am just about to set-up a new tank, should I wait until I move, or is there a way to move the tank? The only way I could lift the tank is to remove like 75% of the water... not sure if this is possible?
  16. phxjosh

    New setup

    You don't need a sump, just get a good skimmer and lots of live rock.
  17. phxjosh

    Painting Back of Tank?

    I was just going to use some black spray paint. I found some translucent paint, it's like a neon blue, it won't completley make it see through, it might work well, not sure yet.
  18. phxjosh

    Lighting for Live Rock?

    I am doing a FOWLR setup. I would like to try and have some soft corals in the future... Can I use a 10k bulb and a 50/50 bulb, total 80 watts? Is that enough?
  19. phxjosh

    Lighting for Live Rock?

    Exactly what type of lighting is required to keep live rock and still have coraline? My tank is 48" - I am looking for a affordable light fixture. Thanks!
  20. phxjosh

    Painting Back of Tank?

    I might just go with a black background, the blacklight idea sounds nice, but knowing my poor artistic skills, it will turn out bad.