Search results

  1. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Those fish are cool looking, I might need to add one or two of those down the line. I told my girlfriend we are getting clownfish to start with, and she had a blank stare like WTF are clownfish, but once I told her its the nemo fish, she got excited haha. So a pair of clownfish after the cycle...
  2. phxjosh

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer vs Octopus BH-100SS Skimmer?

    It could be that, or it could just be my work computer, it has so many firewalls I can't do alot online.
  3. phxjosh

    Powerhead for 55g?

    I will start with two Koralia 2's and see if that is enough flow.
  4. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Originally Posted by Kube i use to use the water from the culigan machine at walmart, 1.66 for 5 gallons Really? That is a good price, maybe I will buy a few 5 gallon containers or something. Can I use any type of filtered water, or should it be like distilled? I was thinking spring water...
  5. phxjosh

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer vs Octopus BH-100SS Skimmer?

    The search function does not work for me, it just gives me a blank page.
  6. phxjosh

    Powerhead for 55g?

    Originally Posted by Keebler I wouldn't depend on just one powerhead. If it is a reef, then that isn't enough anyway. I would go with 2 k3 or 2-3 k2s... I am doing a FOWLR setup, sorry. Should I use two Koralia 1's, for 800gph, which is like 14x turnover. Or should I use like one Koralia 1...
  7. phxjosh

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer vs Octopus BH-100SS Skimmer?

    My bad, links removed, just posted for comparision.
  8. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    I was thinking of using the ***** water for tops off then. I will check my LFS for water, can I use distilled from walmart? Its only like 59cents a gallon.
  9. phxjosh

    Powerhead for 55g?

    Would a Hydor Koralia 3 (850gph) be enough flow for a 55g tank? That is 15x flow rate.
  10. phxjosh

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer vs Octopus BH-100SS Skimmer?

    They both cost around $110, which one would be the best buy? Links Removed, Sorry!
  11. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    I was looking around online, and I saw that ***** sells ocean water, its $16 per 10 gallons, is that a good price? Or should I just buy gallons of distilled water from the grocery store at 59 cents a gallon? 55gallon cost: ***** Cost - $97 Distilled Cost - $32 + Cost of Salt?
  12. phxjosh

    Fish Only or FOWLR? Filtratation?

    Originally Posted by ca161406 what skimmer did you get? $100 for a skimmer sounds like you may of got ripped off, unless it was used Octopus Hang On The Back Protein Skimmer BH-100 This should be fine, right? How do these work, do I need...
  13. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Clowns can switch to male or female? Weird, I guess I just don't know much about fish haha. I am going to be using a 50/50 bulb, and a 10k or 20k bulb, around 125-175 watts total. Is that enough to support some corals or mushrooms? I would like a bright colorful tank.
  14. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    So should I use one male and one female? I was suprised to see they are only around $15 at most LFS so I can easily afford a pair, rather than just one.
  15. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Originally Posted by chasar What size tank is it. You will definately need to add a CUC, clean up crew, of snails and crabs and such. Are there any fish that you know that you are wanting down the road? Will your tank be a community tank, or aggresive. Clowns are a good place to start, and...
  16. phxjosh

    Have Extra 10g Tank..

    I am starting a 55g fish only setup here in the next few weeks. I am not going to be using a sump at this time, I might add one down the road. I do have an extra 10g tank sitting here in my room, can I use it for anything? Do I need a quarantine tank? Or should I save it for when I do end up...
  17. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Thanks, I think I will start with a clown fish, should I get a male or female or does it not matter? I might want to get a pair to mate eventually, not sure yet though. Should I be buying any sort of inverts? The LFS reccomended a clam every 2 weeks after I cycle to feed the inverts, but do I...
  18. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Don't clowns need coral or something to live in? I am doing a FOWLR setup, no corals yet, brand new setup.
  19. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    What are the best fish to start with in a FOWLR tank? Also, you can only add 1 every 4-6 weeks, is that correct? I am looking for something with personality and colorful, and won't cost me $100, thanks!
  20. phxjosh

    Starting a 55g Tank - Few Questions?

    I can wait to buy the skimmer until after the cycle right? This gives me more money now for live rock, since I don't need to buy everything with this paycheck. I plan to get $150-$200 worth of LR so hopefully my LFS has some deals.