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  1. phxjosh

    Painting Back of Tank?

    Alright, well since I already have the blacklights, I will just use those at night. Hopefully they will go trhough the water to light it up.
  2. phxjosh

    Cycle Tank with Live Rock?

    I had a FW tank that stayed around 76-78 with no heater, then winter rolled around and I needed it. I picked up two heaters today, I am shooting for 78. I decided to wait til next weekend to start the tank, this will give me more time to research, at this point I feel I am ready to start the...
  3. phxjosh

    Cycle Tank with Live Rock?

    I am just starting to set up my tank, and after reading this article on I am a little confused. I have my tank up on the stand and I want to start setting it up. I was planning on adding salt water, live rock, and some live sand today. Does the live rock need to be cured before the...
  4. phxjosh

    Fish Only or FOWLR? Filtratation?

    From what I read, you need 10x the rate of the tank for powerheads, so for a 55g, shouldn't I be using more like 800gph? I bought two Koralia 2's today, that should be enough, if not I will add another 1 or 2 for extra flow. Should I use a filter, or a protein skimmer, along with my live rock...
  5. phxjosh

    Painting Back of Tank?

    Originally Posted by WYDAH Hi, I don't see why your black light paints could not be used to paint the exterior back of your tank. I just painted my tank with a flat black Rustoleum brand. The only prep I did was to clean the back glass good with some isopropyl or rubbing alcohol. Also, you...
  6. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    Originally Posted by pete159 sand sifting star fish are a big waste, forget about it. if you want sand sifting add a bullet goby. Also you can add as many fish as you want , right away, depending on how strong your bio filter is. if you had a high ammonia reading during the cycle then you...
  7. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Alright, so if I need to top off during the week inbetween water changes, I use RODI water, but when I do a water change, I use a premixed batch, right? I am going to post an ad on craigslist and see if anyone around me has a RODI unit.
  8. phxjosh

    Painting Back of Tank?

    I am planning on painting the back of my tank, and looking for some advice. I have a few black lights laying around, and I had an idea, I would like to use black like paint to paint the tank, I want to paint in a coral reef using the paints, something simple, and then use a lot of blues for the...
  9. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Can anyone reccomend a good refractometer?
  10. phxjosh

    Powerhead for 55g?

    I think I will get a Koralia 3, a Koralia 2, and see how it goes, then add more if needed. I am not using a sump...
  11. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Quick question, do I mix the water with the salt in the tank for the first time, or mix it in a tub before, then pour it in?
  12. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Originally Posted by usirchchris Just did you "check" your water? Not sure about pricing, I am a pro-tap fan. Probably the only one on this site, but if people are paying .50 to .99 per gallon of RO water, I am about to become a believer . I found another forum discussing the...
  13. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Originally Posted by usirchchris if you want RO water your LFS should have it. I don't know for sure but I thought I read once that regular distilled water from the grocery was bad . What about the spring water, or the purified water? How much does the LFS usually charge for RO water? I was...
  14. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Haha, ooops! Yes, I meant salt. So when I do water changes every week, can I use distilled water? I will buy a RODI unit before summer, but for now, what do I use for the water changes?
  15. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    That is good to know, and makes sense, I did not realize the water that evaporates does not take the salt with it.
  16. phxjosh

    Starting a 55g Tank - Few Questions?

    I think I might add a fuge or a sump in the next few months, but for now I just don't have the room, I am trying to get rid of some couches in my room to make more room for it. I keep reading different things when it comes to setting it up, can someone clear this up? From my understand, once I...
  17. phxjosh

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Originally Posted by donald in the long run it is cheaper to buy a RODI unit and make your own water and add salt. Plus you get the added piecce of mind knowing that you control all the factors dealing with your water. Believe me you will run out of water at the absolute worst time and there is...
  18. phxjosh

    Adding/Moving Corals?

    I am doing a FOWLR tank, and in a few months I plan to add some soft corals since I am using appropriate lighting for some basic corals (20k and 50/50). So if I purchase a few online, or from my LFS, how exactly do you add them to your tank? Do you just stick them anywhere? Do they stick to...
  19. phxjosh

    Best Starter Fish?

    I am planning on using turbo and other snails, maybe 1-2 hermit crabs, a sand sifting starfish, and maybe down the line a shrimp or two. I plan on setting up my tank this weekend, hopefully I can find some cheap powerheads so I don't need to order them online, I want the koralia 2;s.
  20. phxjosh

    Starting a 55g Tank - Few Questions?

    If I am buying the LR from my LFS, would that be considered cured? It's in a big tub with water flowing through it. If I buy uncured fiji rock, does that lengthen the cycle?