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  1. ddiaz386

    8 gallon Biocube Lights Question

    Appreciate the help but first I would have to understand where the ballast is once i open the hood all i see is the two socket to insert the lights and a bunch of wiring, do i have to dig deeper than this? What exactly does a balast look like soory guys im no electrician
  2. ddiaz386

    8 gallon Biocube Lights Question

    I did swith them around and both bulbs seem to work find, the same socket will not light up
  3. ddiaz386

    Biocube 8 Gallon Nano

    Is adding a Koralia Nano to much flow for a 8 gallon tank, everything seems a little hectic after i added it.
  4. ddiaz386

    8 gallon Biocube Lights Question

    My actinic lights just recentyl went out on my biocube, I bought new lights but they still do not work does any body have an idea why???????????
  5. ddiaz386

    8g Biocube

    Are 10 asarius snails to much bioload for a 8 g tank, my lfs told me it should be fine, but my nitrates seem to to be bouncing of the walls
  6. ddiaz386

    White Worms and Aiptasia

    well its seems like they are spreading is that a good thing?
  7. ddiaz386

    White Worms and Aiptasia

    What if its bad they kind of look like this but smaller. So six line wrasses so what should I add? I was also thinking about adding a cleaning crew and ideas?
  8. ddiaz386

    White Worms and Aiptasia

    Will Try To Get Some This Weekend
  9. ddiaz386

    White Worms and Aiptasia

    Hello, I currently acquired a 8 g Biocube that my brother law was not taking care of. I have a clownfish,hermit crab, two crabs, and since the tank really had a bad aiptasia problem i bought two peppermint shrimp and joes juice, i killed off all the big ones, but the peppermint shrimp seem not...
  10. ddiaz386


    I recently received my brother in laws 8g biocube he was not taking care of it. Currently has a aiptasia problem I am currently killing the big ones with joes juice and bought peppermint shrimp to take care of the small ones. So fars its working. Is anybody selling their tanks I am looking for...
  11. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    Ill be picking this up on november!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is perfect to since ill be moving to my new apartment, new home and a tank to go with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    i wish the rsm had a bigger tank
  13. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    thanks nick
  14. ddiaz386

    90G for sale in Florida

    Would buy, but all the way down in miami, and gas prices are a killer down, and im short on money, but that is a beatiful tank, what the lowest you can go, if your willing to???
  15. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    How do the lights on the RSM work? I heard that the moonlights and normal light turn on at the same time?
  16. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    well both of you were great help
  17. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    LOL is ok, he was just giving an opinion, sorry for any trouble i may have caused, nissan i would definately pass by and see the tank for myself when i have a chance, and yearofthenick thanks for the advice and your experience with the rsm, can we all be friends now
  18. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    look like ill be getting a blue hippo tang, clown fish, and a yellow goby, how does that sound, any suggestions, for best prices on the rsm
  19. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick Dude, trust me, you can keep a tang in there. If you get a baby hippo tang (3/4"-1"), you've got a good 1-2 years before he gets too big for the tank. That will give you more than enough time to learn more about the hobby and find something bigger. That is...
  20. ddiaz386

    What fish tank should I buy?

    is the rsm better than the bio cube