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  1. nicole05

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died

    what about adding another fish??
  2. nicole05

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died

    my domino is pretty quiet i had a a blue damselwith yellow tail and he was the devil got rid of it
  3. nicole05

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died

    i know that everybody scolds on tangs in 55 but he was a baby he had been at the fish store for a month and half i have been watching him once aweek for that long he ate good at lfs and good at home i got him monday water parameters are:nitrite0 nitrate0 ph8.0 ammonia0 sality/gravity1.025 my...
  4. nicole05

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died

    :scared: my parameters are good eveything is a ok but my new tang has just died i had a niger trigger and had to take it to lfs and trade it(not an even trade of course) but a good trade because the trigger was nipping my clowns but anyway i was wondering if they are just really easy to...
  5. nicole05

    can i use ........

  6. nicole05

    can i use ........

    i thought i read somewhere that i could use childrens sand box sand for my tank is that true??
  7. nicole05

    i want to get a new fish

    does anybody have any ideas???
  8. nicole05

    i want to get a new fish

    my parameters are great i have two damsels two true perc. clowns and a niger trigger i have 55 gal. any ideas on some fish that would be good to put in there?? i also have a scooter blemmy i really want an eel but i know the blemmie and eel are just not compatable or is there a not so...
  9. nicole05

    is it normal??

    should i move him away from the carpet??i really dont want him to bother it
  10. nicole05

    would this help the cycling time??

    thanks reef
  11. nicole05

    would this help the cycling time??

    i have given my brother my old 29 gall. tank i used for a saltwater tank he is going to do the same .if i put my water change water into his tank will it help with the cycling process?? :notsure:
  12. nicole05

    is it normal??

    :notsure: my emerald crab keeps getting on rock with my carpet anomone i havent seen him pinch the anomone but was just wondering if he could or will the anomones sting effect him with the hard shell if he does bother it??
  13. nicole05

    compatibility of shrimp

    still a little new can you tell i knew i had to have clean up a crew and thought that he was nice addition thought wrong
  14. nicole05

    compatibility of shrimp

    hey nm reef i just put a peppermint shrimp in with my niger trigger and he ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is this normal and is there other fish we should worry about?
  15. nicole05

    just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks guys gotta go for a little while will keep thinking of other ways and more questions you guys are gonna hate to see my name on line after i get through thinking but thanks ahead of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. nicole05

    just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!

    my 55 gal. has two light fixture not just one long one i guess its supposed to be that way but if i get 40 watt for both sides will that mean i have 80 watts and will that be good enogh??
  17. nicole05

    just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!

    i cant wiat to get him the big fish store he will love it me on the other had will be like a kid in a toy store but i want him to listen to answer they give me its hard for me to explain what you guys tell me cause dont know /understand it all yet.
  18. nicole05

    just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!

    so the full spectrum wont do it?
  19. nicole05

    just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!

    fitzy i could afford to do the mh lights but this is my hobby my husband loves the tank but doesnt understand why it so much he just asked my what is a coral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so if i tried to explain why i have to spend so much on this i dont think he will get it as in understand get it.......but...
  20. nicole05

    Any luck w/ Domino Damsels?

    i have one domino and a blue w/yellow tail damsel my blue one so much more aggrsive then my domino i like him he looks really cute IMO i dont know anything about the other fish you want to put him with though so dont know if that would be a problem