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  1. nicole05

    starting my tank AGAIN!!!!!!!

    i have about 60/70 lbs of rock should i only put 20/30 lbs in and get live rock
  2. nicole05

    starting my tank AGAIN!!!!!!!

    can i buy the sump/fuge already set up or is it a diy?
  3. nicole05

    starting my tank AGAIN!!!!!!!

    well its been about a year since i took it down and am ready to try again is it ok to use my old live rock that i stored and im thinking about a canister filter is that ok?
  4. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    my tank has been set up since febuary and my anomone has been there since march and is doing real good hes the only thing that has stayed with me but my questions were really for the feather duster or are they in the same family with the anomones
  5. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    Originally Posted by teen as alyssia said, you can put them on either sand or rock. imo, your tank is a little young for an anemone. why do you say that??
  6. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    i have a condi i am talking about the feather duster placement
  7. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    i have an anomone but i feed him shrimp once a week where should i set him in the sand or in rock crevice??
  8. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    hey does anybody have info on these
  9. nicole05

    i got a featherduster today???

    hi everyone its been awhile. i have been letting the tank set for 8 weeks i bought two clowns on saturday and went to the pet store today and got a feather duster .do i need to put it in a rock or put it in the sand bed.i have it in a medium flow area is that right? :notsure: any info will help...
  10. nicole05

    is this fish sick??

    how long should he wait untill adding fish to his tank these were his first set of fish i read in another thread that about six weeks is this tthe case?
  11. nicole05

    is this fish sick??

    beth, how do these fish get this? and does it stay in tank like ick will it afect the invertabrates?
  12. nicole05

    is this fish sick??

    i got my brother two perc clown fish for his b day thursday well friday he called and said it had slimmy stuff on it almost like it was shedding or something and last night he said it had died and the other one is getting it to i checked the pics of dieased fish and didnt see anything on there...
  13. nicole05

    would a lettuce nudibranch be a good addition

    thanks guys, i guess ill wait on the weird stuff till i know a little more about the sw stuff!!!!!
  14. nicole05

    would a lettuce nudibranch be a good addition

    thaks, have ever had one?i am trying to add a little color and somthing unique what about a cucumber??
  15. nicole05

    would a lettuce nudibranch be a good addition

    i was going to place an order for a little more of a clean up crew and noticed these guys are on sale should i add one or are they bad news??
  16. nicole05

    hey mods need a little help with my order status

    okay guys i just got off the phone with my credit card and nothing was charged so i will try again and see if i can do it right the second time ha ha ha
  17. nicole05

    hey mods need a little help with my order status

    no i have not recieved an e mail i will check again,when i put my credit card # in i hit the confirm order is there something else i missed?i orded late last night does this have somthing to do with it?thanks for responses i feel kinda stupid asking this ? but kinda got a little concerned
  18. nicole05

    hey mods need a little help with my order status

    i order a cleaning crew yesterday and when i check my order status it says i have no order history did i mess something up or will it not show up until it is actually shiped?? :notsure:
  19. nicole05

    real quick ich question

    well since there are no fish in my tank can i get the stop parasite and put it in the tank or is it just for the fish (boost immune system)??? lion is the phytplankton vitamines or just food when i go to get more fish i am going to buy garlic xtrem and vitiamin what do you recommend i do have a...
  20. nicole05

    new 210 being setup! Woohoo!

    its really going to look good when get you LR post some pics when get it going good idea about the room divder