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  1. nicole05

    has anyone heard of pemafix

    well i got the stuff but it was too late. that was the last fish i had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. nicole05

    Am I feeding too much or too little to my tank.

    i have always heard that they need to eat everything within two min. (once a day) then your giving to much you dont need any extra staying on the bottom to biuld up.But im still new!!!!!!!
  3. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    i have one cc star carpet anomone one condi anomone and 10 hermit crabs
  4. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    i have about 40lbs of rock about the water changes why would it not put the tank into another cycleyes i have pretty much followed the three week rule of thumb but if one would die i would add one in its place i had niger trigger that killed two in a week so i added one when it would die
  5. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    no qt has not cycled and it is only 10 gallon i thought it would be okay being so small since they would only be in there for three weeks i was doing a water change of 15 gallons every two weeks but LFS is worried that if i keep doing water changes i will set my tank into cycle again he said...
  6. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    my tank has been set up since january ammonia in between 0.25 and 0.50 nitrate0 ph7.8 nitite0 salityis 1.026 i was told that the salinty needed to be that for starfish but LFS told me this morning that he keeps his at1.023 also he told me to put cycle in the tank just to help out it made sense
  7. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    i started one two days ago for my clown fish that died yesterday but that should be ready for me to use by the time i get any more defensless creatures to kill
  8. nicole05

    everythings dead am i supposed to give up

    okay guys ive killed everything (500$) over a month now what i was ready to give up last week my ammonia is still up a little i do have 2 anomones and a star but have ick that has killed a majority of fish i just dont know what to do from here LFS is telling me to hang in there let my water...
  9. nicole05

    has anyone heard of pemafix

    lfs told me it would be good to try this stuff before copper my new powder blue has spots on him this morning and my two clown fish are now dead but has anyone used this product and does it work??
  10. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    yes of course but can you give me details on the freshwater dip i have never done one do i just get treated water check temp and throw him in?
  11. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    good luck with your ht tank it sounds like your luck is as good as mine symon i have turned off the air bubbles and give it a day or so before i treat as ich just to make sure its not the sand.i am on my to the pet store my levels arent good he said it was because of water changes i have done...
  12. nicole05

    i think i have ich

    thanks guys
  13. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    hey guys we all made it through the storm we went to basement and watched news there was 8 funnel clouds that was on top of us for 7 minutes and then it was all gone but it rained all night hard to sleep when thunder is shaking your house.but about the fish i have a bubble wall in the back of my...
  14. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    okay guys have to turn pc off have to take shelter now will turn pc back on as soon as possible and respond as soon as i can thanks for any info
  15. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    dont know what hypo is could you explain but no i do not have qt tank i am going to start one tomorrow i will soon have to turn pc off storm is here expecting tornados!!now i am worried about power but if i put the garlic in tank that i have at home now will it hurt or help????
  16. nicole05

    newbie with yet another question

    i think i have ich and ive asked this question in the dieseas forum but thought maybe someone here will know can i give my fish canned (in glass jar minced with juice) garlic the other forums i was reading said garlic extreme or fresh but we are having terrible weather and i dont have eighther...
  17. nicole05

    i think i have ich

    Originally Posted by alyssia Their should be a pic in the diseased fish thread. For the garlic you need to buy a garlic clove and squeeze the juice out, soak the food in it and feed 3 times a day. can i use caned garlic (in a glass jar) its minced with juice
  18. nicole05

    i think i have ich

    anybody have any info i really need some
  19. nicole05

    i think i have ich

    i was reading that people use fresh garlic to help this i have some in a jar is this safe and is there a picture of ich somewhere to see if thats it for sure my levels have spiked adn have had too many fish die in last couple of days (5) but my question is just about the ich but not sure if it...
  20. nicole05

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died

    thanks so much for the info you guys are always so helpfull