Search results

  1. craig110768

    garlic food

    I have read quite a lot of the message here, and many people have said that using garlic during Hypo could help remove Ick. I have one Powder blue tang with Ick which is now in the QT, and all the rest of the fish in the display tank are fine. Not sure if I should be doing Hypo on that tank as...
  2. craig110768

    Ick Question

    I was told at my local fish store that, there is alway going to be the paracites that cause Ick in your tank. They are very difficult to keep out of the tank. The fish are able to fight off these paracites, but during stress period, they may not, thus causing Ick. I have one Powder Blue Tang in...
  3. craig110768

    Feeding these guys

    Hi Guys This is a food question, in my 155 gallon semi-aggressive tank. I have one Angel fish in my tank, and have been told that sponge is vital to the diet of this kind of fish. I have been placing micro-algy strips into the tank for the 2 tangs, but also brine scrimp as their main diet. The...
  4. craig110768

    155 Gallon semi-aggressive

    What is the difference between a pocupine puffer and a spiney box puffer apart from the size they grow. I'm now quite sure which I have. I've been reading a few books, but still can't decide which it is. Its about 4 inchs in size. You mention to take back the Puffer to the store, is it because...
  5. craig110768

    155 Gallon semi-aggressive

    I have bought a 155 gallon salt water tank. Its has already cycled, and added a Pocupine Puffer, Cardinal, 2 small perc Clown fish, a Rock Beauty Angel fish. I have about 40 pound of live rock and 40 reg rock. 40 live sand + another 40 of reg sand. I would want a community setup as opposed to...
  6. craig110768

    155 fish only tank

    I would prefer a community setup as opposed to very aggressive fish. However, I want large fish, but most large fish I found seem aggressive - so looking for large but peaceful. I have been doing some research, and now looking at a Lion, Blue Tang, Powder Blue, Tomato Clown, wrasse, and possibly...
  7. craig110768

    155 fish only tank

    I have had the tank over 2 months now. Its already cycled. I used damsels for that. Just looking for some nice fish-only system. I have just lost one of the Clown fish, not sure which fish ate it, and a small part of the fin from the Rock Beauty. Possibly the Puffer. I'm feeding them well, so...
  8. craig110768

    155 fish only tank

    Just bought a 155 gallow salt water tank. Looking for a nice fish only setup to start with. Any suggestions on what to add to the tank based on the size. I have added a pocupine puffer, Angel fish - Rock Beauty, a small Cardinal and 2 small clown fish. Starting to get some live rock in there...