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  1. craig110768

    Big Puffer Problem

    I'm in the process of doing Hypo on my main tank due to Ick on my Pocupine puffer fish. I noticed a few days ago that his mouth started to split on one side, and now its looks as if part of his lip, where the infection first started, is missing. Its now started to doing the same on the other...
  2. craig110768

    Refractometer Calibration

    I just got my refrac. yesterday. I calibrated it with RO water, but didn't need to adjust anything at all, as it was already reading 0. It mentioned in the very few brief instructions that if i need to "recalibrate" it, it needed to be at 68degrees. How would I bring that to 68 - put it in a...
  3. craig110768

    Refractometer Calibration

    I just got my refrac. yesterday. I calibrated it with RO water, but didn't need to adjust anything at all, as it was already reading 0. It mentioned in the very few brief instructions that if i need to "recalibrate" it, it needed to be at 68degrees. How would I bring that to 68 - put it in a...
  4. craig110768

    Hypo/Silicates Question

    I have been Hypo-ing my Puffer fish in a QT the last week now just using a Hydometer. He is looking much better. I was compelely against the Hypo, and opened the topic "copper experiment" last week. Anyway, I thought I would tell you all that the Hypo is working great. But have a few more...
  5. craig110768

    oodinium question

    I'm I right in thinking that white spot - (Cryptocaryon) is more common than oodinium (Velvet). Is that correct?
  6. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    hi jakepilot I found that Kick-ick, is too expensive and DIDN'T work. Save your money.
  7. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Thanks for that Beth. I forgot to take into condideration the temp. I keep mine at 78. I will need to bring it down to 1.011 as far as the *Hydro is concerned*, which would really mean 1.009. Is that correct? Craig
  8. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Hi Beth, Anthem, Terry B I started the Hypo a few days ago. I'm sitting 1.010. I'm only using one Hydro, so to night, I will get another one, so I can compare them. I really should get one of them 100 dollars refract. Maybe next month. ;-) Anyway. Two days ago, the ick seemed to get worse - I...
  9. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    thanks beth. will try
  10. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Yes. I agree. I have been given good advice. So you think i should do the whole tank and be done with it, rather than risk it again once the puffer its back in there. Should I put spike back in that main tank now? Wouldn't that immediately risk the other fish? I'm in the process of looking at...
  11. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Yes, I'm aware of that, but what I thought I might do, is just treat this puffer in the QT tank. He is the only one that looms sick. If its works as expected, then, without compications, I may the do the whole display tank also. If i get ick again, once I put the puffer back in the main tank, I...
  12. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Hi Terry B, Beth, Anthem Thats for the advice. I have started just started to do Hypo on my puffer fish in the QT tank. Well, I have at least started to bring down the gravity. Maybe by wednesday, and will be at .009. I have come to the conclusion due to your reactions, that I have medicated...
  13. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    The main reason why i'm looking at copper. Is this. I read this message-board a few weeks ago, and then spoke to my lfs, and they said it was not a very good idea to do Hypo - he said it was crazy. Especially when I said I needed to bring it down to .009. He first thought .015. He said that he...
  14. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Thanks for the quick response. You mention not to use any water conditioners. I use tap-water for my main tank, thus I have had to put conditioner in that. Could I still use water from there, if I have not topped up the water in that tank with conditioned water for a couple of days. Basically...
  15. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Thanks Terry B and Beth for the comments. I appreciate it. I have some more questions though I not really sure if its ick or velvet. All I know is that there are a lot of white spots on the puffer, and all over the fins - all fins, and on his back. The spots are bigger on the fins, than on his...
  16. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    Forgot to mention, that I have no carbon in the tank, just regular filter that was switched off while I was doing this. So basically, just a 5g tank, with nothing in there.
  17. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    No its a marine copper test for a marine aquariumn. Its by Red sea testing for non-chelated copper. The is a bottle to test the level of copper and and other bottle used to add copper. I have put about over 200 drops into 5g tank, and still its 0, - no I have not put the fish in yet. I should...
  18. craig110768

    Copper experiment

    I'm having major problems getting the copper treatment - to get to the correct level. Oh, and yes the test kit was in the same box as the copper - so yes, the copper kit does work!! Read my frustating experiment. 1. First added 6 drops to 1g of pure tap water, and the correct copper level was...
  19. craig110768

    Many QT Questions

    Its a 20g tank. The puffer fish has Ick, but i'm thinking of putting all three fish (puffer, fox-face and blond naso tang) in the same QT tank. Do you think its too small. Each fish are about 4 inches long.