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  1. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    "You could setup a separate DSB support system below your tank---if the DSB is not going to work within your tank" Please explain, beth.
  2. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    I think the only fish in the tank that would be a problem for snails is the puffer. Is there anybody out there with similar fish with a DSB? Maybe I need to get rid of spike - I'd rather not!
  3. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    What would you recommend for a DSB as far as depth, considering the fish I have in there? Should I put some live sand in there, or would that cause a spike? Any suggestions.
  4. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    I have a semi-aggressive tank, with high nitrates. I have started to change large amount of water to get them down. Is it a good idea to have a DSB in a semi-aggressive tank such as mine? Would that make cleaning more difficult later down the road? What else would keep the nitrates down? Just a...
  5. craig110768

    Adaquate BIO-Filter

    Hi Anthem You said "you are limited in what you can do with the burrfish in there as it will be a difficult fish to have a proper sand bed in there with". Why would that be the case. Is a DSB not a good thing regardless of the type of fish in the tank? any comments
  6. craig110768

    Adaquate BIO-Filter

    If I add some live rock while I have fish in my 155, would that help stabilize the tank, or would that cause an ammonia spike?
  7. craig110768

    What is infauna

    What is infauna with regard to DSB. I also heard that hypo-ing may destroy it. Any comments
  8. craig110768

    High Nitrates

    Hi Beth, Anthem Yes, i'm now starting to reduce feeding and increasing sand bed. I'm aware that this may take several months to develop, but I need a quick solutions first. My nitrates are over 80, and thought maybe this will help reduce them temporarily. I'm in the process of changing the...
  9. craig110768

    Adaquate BIO-Filter

    Hi Anthem, Beth Thanks for the comments. I have been feeding everyday - 2 frozen cubes of blood worms, and then an inch square chunk of frozen scrimp. I then but some nori in after the food is gone for the foxface and tang. I guess the amount of food is too much. You said just feed the puffer -...
  10. craig110768

    High Nitrates

    Any one used the product Algone to help remove nitrates? Does it work?
  11. craig110768

    Adaquate BIO-Filter

    I checked the nitrates again yesterday, and found that they are above 80. So I did a 25g water change last night. I will need I guess, to do another one to to night. Is this too much water too quickly? I added another 20pounds of sand to help build the bed up. That took a while to settle. I...
  12. craig110768

    Adaquate BIO-Filter

    I set my 155g tank up about 4 months ago. I have a 6" Naso tang, 6" poc puffer, 6" fox-face, and a few other small fish. I'm wanting a angel fish and maybe a purple tang. I noticed that very easily my nitrite can rise to 0.25, if I over feed them a couple of days. I thinking maybe I don't have...
  13. craig110768


    I have a 20g QT, that i'm keeping cycled using 2 damsels. The question is I don't have a BIO wheel on the filter, it just has a hang-on sponge filter and carbon inside it. I take the sponge filter out, once a week, as it started to smell, and clean it. Thus I must be destroying part of the BIO...
  14. craig110768

    QT Tank smell

    Hi Beth, Anthem I had the puffer fish in the QT tank, 4 weeks ago, just performing Hypo. I was told, that it would be better to Hypo my whole Main tank, as the puffer got ick in there. I left the puffer in the QT until I got the main tank down to 1.009 and also got a refractometer. I then moved...
  15. craig110768

    puffer problem

    I'm in the process of doing Hypo on my main tank due to Ick on my Pocupine puffer fish. I noticed a few days ago that his mouth started to split on one side, and now its looks as if part of his lip, where the infection first started, is missing. Its now started to doing the same on the other...
  16. craig110768

    QT Tank smell

    Forgot. My nitrites are .5, so I have been doing a 25% water change. I have reduced down the amount of food I'm feeding him.
  17. craig110768

    QT Tank smell

    Hi Beth I took out the carbon when I got the tank, as I was going to use copper, and then kick ick. I don't know if you remember, but I had difficulty getting the copper to the correct level - it was somehow been neuralized. I then was convinced in doing Hypo by you and Terry B. That going well...
  18. craig110768

    QT Tank smell

    Hi Guys I have a 20g QT using a sponge filter. The filter hangs out side the tank. Its been setup for about 2 months now. I removed the carbon the day I got the tank, as I was told, that it would remove any medication I may use. Here is the question!!! The QT is starting to smell – it’s an...
  19. craig110768

    Big Puffer Problem

    Hi beth Thanks beth. I will send this to the aggressive forum. Is it a good thing to get shelled food for the puffer from grocery store? Could that have paracites in? I was under the impression that its better to get pre-packaged frozon food from my LFS. Is that correct? any comments.
  20. craig110768

    Big Puffer Problem

    I have been feeding him frozon kril and prawns only. I use to have some snails in the tank but he has eat them a long time ago. What kind of food on a regular basis would you suggest. Thanks Craig