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  1. craig110768

    Brown Algae with RO Filter

    Hi I have been using my own home-made RO water for the past 8 months. Last month however, I noticed that brown algae was starting to appear in the tank. So obviously I need to change the RO filter producing the water. Which filter would be necessary, as its a 5 stage ro/di ? I don't want to...
  2. craig110768

    Cardinal fin problem

    I have a banggai cardinal fish that has been in my tank for over a year. I have added no new fish recently. Last night I discovered that most of his fins had been eaten off. Not sure which fish would do that - I did notice that my squiriel fish had now started to chase him - not sure if that...
  3. craig110768

    Snowflake Eel eating too much?

    Thanks guys. You have been a great help. Craig
  4. craig110768

    Snowflake Eel eating too much?

    I have a Snowflake eel for about 2 weeks now. Everytime I feed the fish in the tank, the eel comes out looking for food - so I guess he is hungry. I have been feeding him every two days, with about 3-4 pieces of krill. Is that too much feeding - I have yet to check my "nitrates" sinces doing...
  5. craig110768

    Catching Fish

    Feed them and put the net in the water. While they are eating at the surface try using the net. Worked like a charm for me - I was doing the same as you, prior to that. Hope that helps Craig
  6. craig110768

    wrasse problem

    If a lunar wrasse is chasing my other fish around the tank, is there another kind of wrasse that might be more suitable - I can then do an exchange? Thanks Craig
  7. craig110768

    wrasse problem

    Yes, its a lunar wrasse. I found the best way to catch him was to starting feed him at the surface real slowly so he is waiting for more food, and while he's eating, use the net - worked fine - I was quite surprised. I found that I had to have the net actually in the water beforew feeding as he...
  8. craig110768

    wrasse problem

    coan't remember the name but is completely green.
  9. craig110768

    how to feed a snowflake

    I just bought a snowflake eel. I also bought some long plastic tong to feed him. How often should I be feeding him. I tried using krill last night, but over time I released the food it rose to the surface away from the eel. I tried just holding the krill so it wouldn't float to the surface, in...
  10. craig110768

    wrasse problem

    Hi I had to take out my wrasse (4 inches) out of of the tank last night, as my clown, damsel and other fish are being chased around the tank continiously. It Seemed to have been getting worse each day. I know the wrasee is an active fish but, when I added him, he just seemed to disrupt the whole...
  11. craig110768

    Can eel's get Ick

    Can a snowflake eel catch ick? I don't know whether to quarantine my new eel before putting him in the main tank Any comments Craig
  12. craig110768

    Snowflake eel

    Hi Based on my profile, could I buy a 10" snowflake eel without it eating all my fish. I know that the snowflake is less agresive than the morey. Have anyone any comments. Craig
  13. craig110768

    clown fish with flukes?

    Also noticed that my bulb in the UV filter had stopped working
  14. craig110768

    clown fish with flukes?

    The fish has been in the tank a long time - 8 months - I added a wrasse about 1 month ago - that was the last one. He had been flickering prior to the last fish being added, but is worse now.
  15. craig110768

    clown fish with flukes?

    I have a clown fish that seems to be flickering quite a lot. I see no white spots on any fish. I think it my be flukes - would that be correct? I did a freshwater dip for about 2 minutes with some formalin and put him back - he is better than before but he is still flickering especially when the...
  16. craig110768

    Pink square Anthus

    I bought one a few weeks ago - I had the same problem. I tried all frozen food and still he wouldn't eat - almost 5 days. I tried some live brine - it worked like a charm.
  17. craig110768

    Anthias not eating

    Hi I bought an anthias over the weekend. He has yet to eat - 3 days later. I have tried frozen brine scrimp, dry food, prawns and krill. He seems to be swimming around the tank, and not too bothered with the other fish. The food just goes by him, and the other fish east it. Any suggestions...
  18. craig110768

    Hospital tank question

    Hi I have a hospital tank that is currently not in use. Its all setup up with salt water but no filters, power heads or anything running. I have the filters and bacteria wheel from this tank in my main display tank - actaully in the sump. These have been there for about 4 weeks. If I moved...
  19. craig110768

    Aragonite DSB question

    I did a little more reading. As Aragonite desolves over time, it may compromise it. "The organisms do not care about the sediment mineral composition, only the particle sizes and shapes. Most aquarists use the commonly available aragonitic sands to "provide a calcium reservoir." Additionally...
  20. craig110768

    Aragonite DSB question

    I' thinking of moving over to a 4" DSB. I have read a lot on this on the message board saying use Home depot southdown sand. I currently have about 2" Aragonite bed (not sure if that is cc or sand or what). Could I just add more of this kind of substrate to bring it up to 4". Is Aragonite just...