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  1. craig110768

    RO/DI water pressure

    I just bought a RO/DI filter. I'm using 8g of bad water to get 1 gallon of good water. I know that is due to the water pressure. Could someone please enlight me on a few things. What kind of booster pump do I need? Will that depend on the the RO inlet pipe which is 1/8" in size. Could someone...
  2. craig110768

    RO/DI Installation

    I received a reply from Improveit today. Yes, they made a mistake - the hole should have been cut the other way around. They said just use a washer, to fix it. Doing this though would mean I would have to take the screws out of the wall each time I wanted to clean it, as oppossed to just...
  3. craig110768

    RO/DI Installation

    Hi Guys Yesterday, I received an RO/DI water filter from Improveit!. I just have a few installation questions! Should the filter stages be pointing upward or downward when mounting it to a wall. I notice the white metal structure has two holes on the back, for hanging the filter. If I use these...
  4. craig110768

    Rally + Kick Ich?...

    Kick-Ich is a complete waste of money
  5. craig110768


    I'm thinking of getting a RO/DI filter. How much tap water does it waste to get say, 5g? Does that depend on the output from the RO/DI? I have a 155g tank, so not sure what size of RO/DI I really need. Can it fit under a kitchen sink? Is it easy to plumb in? Is it worth just getting the RO...
  6. craig110768

    RODI water storage help

    How much tap water does it waste to get say 5g. Does that depend on the output from the RO/DI? I have a 155g tank, so not sure what size I really need. Can it fit under a kitchen sink? Is it easy to plumb in? I'm just thinking of getting one. Any comments Craig
  7. craig110768


    I have a few questions. I'm thinking of buying an RO/DI filter. What size would I need based on the size of my tank (155g bow) ? I always keep 5g container for top-up, and then change 35g a month. How much tap water does it take, to make 5g of RO water? Does that also depend on the size of the...
  8. craig110768


    thanks guys. Thats what I'll do.
  9. craig110768


    My tank is a FOWLR with some Invert, and a couple of feather dusters. I don't have any powerheads in the tank as such, just to return pipes from my 800GPH pump, on each side of the tank at a capacity of 400 g/hour each. Is that enough water movement. I think my be that the front part of the tank...
  10. craig110768


    Can anybody answer this one!
  11. craig110768

    Hypo and still Ick?

    Thats 3 inchs not 30. Oops!!!
  12. craig110768


    I have a Fox-face thats in my QT at the moment. If have snails and peppermint scrimp in my main tank. Are they compatible. I know he is in the same family as the tang, that eats a lot of greens but, the tangs also eat some scrimp food. Would the fox-face be compatible? Any commments
  13. craig110768

    Hypo and still Ick?

    I have been having a few problems with high Nitrates in my main tank during the Hypo period, so this weekend I moved the fish back to the QT and added 50pounds of LR. I have about 120pounds in there now. I also increased the substrate a little more to about 30 inches. Maybe, the nitrates are...
  14. craig110768

    Hypo and still Ick?

    Hi I have completed Hypo using a refractor for 6 weeks. I was very careful doing this, bring the salinity to 1.009. It worked well, very well. However, today i noticed that my fox-face is flicking very heavily sometimes lasting 5 minutes. He has no visible spots on him and none of the other fish...
  15. craig110768

    LR - Ick question

    I have some LR, that is outside my main tank, as I hypo-ed that tank, a few weeks ago. I'm thinking of adding that LR back into the main tank, but just in case there is still ICK on the rock - what can I do before adding it to my main display.
  16. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    Hi Beth, Anthem Thanks again. I have a better understanding of this DSB now. You guys have been a great help. If I get rid of the 2 fish can I use part coral sand and live sand together, to reduce down the cost? You mention I need around about 6 inches in depth - that can quite costly. Can I...
  17. craig110768

    Adding algae

    I have no green Algae in my tank, to help feed my fox-face and tang, but also to help reduce the nitrates. Should I add some, or will get get out of hand? I have done some research and the macro-algae called Caulerpa sertularioides, may help. Has anybody else done this. Any comments.
  18. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    Thanks anthem, beth. You have been a great help. Adding a bag of live sand over time, and not going full into a DSB should help with the nitates though. I'm sure that there are a lot of organisms that live within the sand, that a puffer or wrasse cannot see that would help reduce down the...
  19. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    Hi Beth, Anthem OK, So aggressive fish like my Puffer and Wrasse are not compatible with DSB. Just thinking about cost now. I'm now on the understanding that if i add anymore fish to my tank, I will just compound the problem until I make a decision. If I don't go with a DSB, what else can I...
  20. craig110768

    DSB with Semi-aggressive

    Thanks Anthem. I have a mexican saddle-back wrassse in my QT at the moment. I was also wanting an Angel fish along a blue tang at some point, once my tank is back in order. If I got rid of my Puffer. Would ALL the fish I currently have in the tank, including the ones I want, be compatiable...