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  1. craig110768

    Update On Q-Tank Scratching Drama

    About 2 weeks ago, I had the same problems trying to get the copper to the correct level. I was using tap water with Amquel to get rid of the chlorine. Yes, it worked well, getting rid of all the Chroline **As well as the copper**. Some I was going round in a complete circle. Anyway I gave up...
  2. craig110768

    naso tang

    I have one. Its sounds like a blond naso tang
  3. craig110768

    Many QT Questions

    I have ick on a puffer, and all i'm trying to do is get rid of it. I started using Kick-ick, but that doesn't seem to help, although is only been 8 days. I'm thinking about going over to the proven copper treatment. I keep hearing about not putting substrate in the QT tank, and just keep in to...
  4. craig110768

    Cycling a QT

    I'm have my puffer fish in 20g QT at the moment due to Ick. This tank was setup just a couple of days before I put the fish in, and no cycling going on yet. The puffer had ick so, I wanted to take him out of the main display. I'm thinking of getting a UV for that - it may help. Anyway. I have...
  5. craig110768

    What should I have on a QT tank

    I have a Puffer also, and he now as Ick completely covering him. He also liked to swim in the current from the return pipes. I made the same mistake you did, and didn't think much of it. Now he is covered with white spots. I was going to do Hypo, but, decided against it, after speaking with my...
  6. craig110768

    OT Copper/Amquel

    I'm using a test kit that contained the copper and the testing solution. However, I have one rock and some gravel in there. I put a rock in there so he could hide behind it. I will take all of that out to night and try again. Thanks for the comments though!
  7. craig110768

    OT Copper/Amquel

    I set my QT tank up about a week ago, and then last night needed to add a little more tap water to it, before I added my puffer fish. He has ick. I also added some Declor Amquel, and then about 2 hours later I have been trying to get the copper to .3 before I add the Puffer (Spike - thats his...
  8. craig110768

    Activated carbon

    Thanks guys That helps a lot
  9. craig110768

    Activated carbon

    I have a wet-dry system and bought a protein skimmer a few weeks ago. Should I also get activiated carbon, or is that the same as protein skimming. You can buy these boxes full of carbon, but where would I put it. Most of the carbon, I see are for cartridges, that I don't have. The wet-dry...
  10. craig110768


    I have a 155 bow tank. the temperature has always been sitting around 81. I now keep the air conditioning on in the house around 76 but that had little effect. Anyway, this weekend, I took off one glass cover, and put a clip-on fan on, pointing down to where the glass use to be. I left the house...
  11. craig110768


    I have just started Hypo, at the moment i'm at 0.014. I want to get the Refractomter, before going any lower though. How much money is one one them - that will do the job???
  12. craig110768

    Its Hypo Day

    Well today. I have decided to perform Hypo on my Main display, to remove the Ick. Almost all my fish have Ick now, so thought it would be better to do that on the main display, and move the small amount of Live Rock and sand to my QT tank. My main tank is 155g, and alot more stable than moving...
  13. craig110768

    QT Time

    Hi Beth The patches are all different sizes on the fox-face. It looks like he's been scraping himself on the rocks. Don't know though - they are brown, ranging in size upto about 6mm. I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I think the puffer has Ick as well, and...
  14. craig110768

    QT Time

    I'm thinking of getting a 10g QT to replace my 5g QT. I have a problem with my fox-face - he has some brown patches on him - not sure what they are - possibly scratching. Although I did have a blue tang that got ick in my main tank. This does look the same though. I think I need to give him some...
  15. craig110768

    Copper treatment

    I'm thinking of doing a copper treatment on my fox-face. He seems to made some sort of brown areas on him. They are not spots, but small patches. They started on just one side of him, but now they are on both sides. Not sure what they are, but thought doing a copper treatment for 10 days may get...
  16. craig110768

    type of thermometer

    My puffer has just eaten part of my Thermometer. I'm not sure what to look for, incase its contains mercury, which is very toxic to fish. How can you tell if its a mercury thermoeter, or not. Its a "Top Fin" Floating Aquarium Thermometer with a suction cup. Its red, with small steel balls at the...
  17. craig110768

    mercury in tank???

    I woke up this morning, and found the thermometer in the tank, had been half eaten buy my puffer. The small steel balls had dropped to the bottom of the tank. I can easily get them out, but is this using mercury. Is that toxic to the fish. This thermometer is especially for aquarium's though...
  18. craig110768

    water quality

    I'm new to this hobby. I have been using tap water as a source for replenishing evaporated water each day. I have been adding about a gallon to my tank each day, after adding some Amqel, to remove the Chlorine. Is this also removing the metal in the water also, or should I get something else...
  19. craig110768

    High nitrite

    I have had the tank over 2 months. I went through the cycle about 1 month ago. Its been fine, until I hit the Ick on Tuesday, and tried to fix it. I now know better. I have been using a Coral-vital to enhance some rock in the tank for about 2 weeks, I've been reading that this may give false...
  20. craig110768

    High nitrite

    I had Ick in may tank. Being new to this hobby, I added some Rid Ick+ to my tank, which contained some live rock and live sand, but really only a fish Only tank. I have 2 scrimp though and a few snails. I have only done this once - now I have a QT tank - i've learn something!! However, this med...