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  1. craig110768

    Condylactis anemone question

    Craig What do you use to feed it. I haven't yet. I thought they would just filter out food too small for the fish to see. Could some one suggest some food. Craig
  2. craig110768


    I have some calupera in my tank also, but it doesn't seem to be growing too much. I have been adding the iron and trace elements and the lighting is good, but it doesn't seem to help. The Naso Tang and Foxface on my profile are not in this tank Any suggestions Craig
  3. craig110768

    Condylactis anemone question

    thanks again
  4. craig110768

    Condylactis anemone question

    Hi Thanks for the comments. I moved the anemone back to my display tank. He was completely back to normal in my QT when I got home from work, so I moved him back to my display tank. It appears from my limited knowledge that it deflats at least once a day - complelely, and then blows back up over...
  5. craig110768

    Condylactis anemone question

    Hi I ended up moving the anemone to another rock last night, and he looked great - I though I'd solved it. He stayed there all night. When I checked him this morning he was still in the same place all puffed up - however, within 30 minutes this morning he scrunk down real small (I didn't switch...
  6. craig110768

    Condylactis anemone question

    Hi I bought my first anemone over the weekend and have a few questions. He keeps moving to the bottom of the tank, within the rocks. I moved him with the lights off mid way up the tank. He sat there for a while, but as soon as I switched the lights on, he moved to the bottom between the rocks...
  7. craig110768

    Feeding fish, dry food

    I'm heading out on vacation for 2 weeks. I usually feed my fish with frozon food each day. A friend has offered to help feed the fish while i'm away, but also thinking about switching them to dry food, so I can use a food timmer that will feed them. Can anyone recommend one. I tried omega One...
  8. craig110768

    Carbon To Clear The Water?

    Hi Guys I placed the carbon bags (2) on the trickle plate of my wet/dry/sump. However, I get a lot of water splashes outside of the top of the wet-drp, due to the fact that I also have my filter sponge there too - Basically not enough room for both. I placed the two carbon bags actually in my...
  9. craig110768

    Caulerpa, no growth

    I filled my qt a couple of days ago, with all water from my main display. As for the lighting - just regular NO - enough light for a 20g QT - it came with the tank. I have no fish in the QT if that matters, and have NOT been adding any food to it, to keep it cycled. As for supplements, to get...
  10. craig110768

    Caulerpa, no growth

    Sorry. I should have mentioned. Its in my QT tank, not in my main display yet. Wanted to get some growth first. Craig
  11. craig110768

    Caulerpa, no growth

    i have added some caulerpa to my tank to try and help control my nitrates. Its been in the tank a week, and not started to grow. I have been doing some research, and it may be trace elements that i'm missing. I have done 2 35g water changes over this past week, but the nitrates and high. Can...
  12. craig110768

    Alk. too high

    When I make some RO/DI water for topping-up. I was also thinking of moving this RO water into 4 of my 5g plastic containers. I usually go through a 5g container a week for top-up water. If I made 4 containers at a time, would the water become stagnent (spelling wrong) over say 4 weeks, or is it...
  13. craig110768

    Alk. too high

    Thanks a lot. You have been a great help. I will experiment with some newly made RO water to night. Thanks again
  14. craig110768

    Alk. too high

    Thanks for the quick response. I will scrap the current water I have always used Florida tapwater, and have always added Proper PH as the PH has been too low, even with salt added and aged for 1 day. I cannot remember the name of the brand - but its a good one. My tap water was at 13 degree Alk...
  15. craig110768

    LR and TT lighting

    I have add LR into my tank. I still don't have enough yet. I'm wondering whether its worth doing this, if I don't have the right amount of light - Its bright 80w TT flou. I really just want a Fish/Invert tank with no Corals to start with, but having problems high nitrates. Thought about adding...
  16. craig110768

    Alk. too high

    I made some RO water last night - just got the RO unit. I added the salt and got the PH to 8.2 using proper PH. Everything was looking good up until this point. I then added some baking soda to increase the Alk., as it was soo low. I overdosed - its now at 20 degrees in my storage container...
  17. craig110768


    What is the difference between CC and Aragonite? I bought a lot of Aragonite, and it was quite expensive. Many people say CC is not a good substrate, does the same apply to Aragonite? Craig
  18. craig110768

    RO/DI water pressure

    I do have an water dispensing value/connector. The instructions said to connect it to the good water line, to restrict the amount of water coming out of the unit, so that it is equal to the amount of good water from the actual RO membrane, thus keeping the last stage - the DI Stage completely...
  19. craig110768

    RO/DI water pressure

    My RO/DI is from a company called ImproveIt!. I got it on ---- last week. There is no setting on the waste line to adjust. I have tried emailing Inproveit but they have responded to any of my questions. Craig
  20. craig110768

    RO/DI water pressure

    I just bought a RO/DI filter. I'm producing 8g of bad water to get 1 gallon of good water. I know that is due to the water pressure. Could someone please enlight me on a few things. What kind of booster pump do I need? Will that depend on the the RO inlet pipe which is 1/8" in size. Could...