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  1. jenncarol


    I lived in St Bernard Parish and lost everything in Katrina... all my fish and my eel perrished... sorry... nothing left.
  2. jenncarol

    Ich Too Quick

    Originally posted by dragonfli well the fun and informative thing about this wonderful forum is that everyone on it has had the same experiences and none of us get any extra commission for getting you that extra fish or coral, or extra extra commission when they die and we need to buy a new...
  3. jenncarol

    Help with ph please.

    Originally posted by trainfever Jenn, Don't feel dumb. Asking questions is the smart thing to do. If you don't ask questins, you'll never learn. That is why we are all here, to help one another. As far as what to buy, get a test kit with the four major tests in it. Ph, nitrite, nitrate, and...
  4. jenncarol

    Ich Too Quick

    Originally posted by dragonfli many newbies are you adding at a time? sounds fun and exciting to have all the new action, but it also sound like grounds for ich. thats what started my epidemic...too many too quickly. it didnt seem like it to me, but the fishs breathing start...
  5. jenncarol

    testing pics

    i am trying to attach pics... having trouble any suggestions? Jen:notsure:
  6. jenncarol

    Ich Too Quick

    Originally posted by dragonfli I am too lazy to read all of this you have any LR or coal, or inverts? other that the starfish? fire your LFS guy for telling you to put copper in your tank, and if he was the one who sold you the starfish then you need to use more drastic...
  7. jenncarol

    crabs and shrimp and stars...

    :happyfish WOW! I am learning so much! Thanks for all the help, I cannot wait to talk to more people about my tank. I regret using the copper now. But, let's not dwell on that. My next question, I guess, is "now what?" thanks so much for everyone's replies! Jen
  8. jenncarol


    :D Hey, thanks for the advice. I want to take good care of my starfish when I get him back in my tank... keeping my fingers crossed!
  9. jenncarol


    thanks so much for your advice. I added you to my buddy list and will get in touch soon about more details.... thanks, thanks, thanks!
  10. jenncarol


    I am in the new orleans area...about 5 min. from French Quarter:hilarious
  11. jenncarol

    Salt vs. Salt what's the best?

    we use insant ocean... have not had the tank too long, but no plans of changing yet
  12. jenncarol


    :notsure: I have a chocolate chip starfish and he is not in my tank right now, at the in-laws. We had ich and treated the tank with copper. We are trying to revive the tank and plan to put our carbon back into the filter to hopefully pull out the copper. How long until I can safely bring my...
  13. jenncarol

    Feather Dusters

    Okay, I am so curious now. I do not know what a feather duster is... I am very new to fish tanks....... I will be so smart after reading and chatting with everyone thanks
  14. jenncarol

    Help with ph please.

    Thanks so much!!! I am learning a lot from these message boards... you have know idea how dumb to this i really am. :help: LOL I will keep reading the postings and learn more and more!
  15. jenncarol

    testing pics

    :happyfish VERY adorable fish... I love clowns......
  16. jenncarol

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Originally posted by JacknJill some people choose to not run their lights at all during the cycle to help cut down, if not stop all algae blooms. but you can also keep the lights on I have to say, during my cycle I loved having the light on to look at the coral I bought (dead from the...
  17. jenncarol

    crabs and shrimp and stars...

    Great Pics! I love starfish! Anyone here a self proclaimed authority on starfish care? I have a chocolate chip that I had to relocate due to ich. My local aquatic specialty shop said to remove them and treat the water with copper. I am hearing bad stuff about copper now! But, never the...
  18. jenncarol

    Help with ph please.

    HI! I am new to having a tank and rely on my boyfriends novice advice for help. I take my water to the aquatic specialty store for readings, what to do to take reading at home; what to buy, etc? thanks! ~ Jen
  19. jenncarol

    Relaxing tonight, enjoying the finer things

    Well, as for me, I just got finished watching Gray's Anatomy... it is becoming my new fave show. I am just enjoying a weekend off. Here in Southeastern La. we have the French Quarter Festival and the Strawberry Festival this weekend. I am not attending either. You grow up down here and Mardi...
  20. jenncarol

    Ich Too Quick

    Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for your replies! I am worried, but since I sent this out Dori is doing much better... at least she is swimming around with the others. She likes the top a lot. We find her spitting water off the surface. We think it is funny, but what motivates her? I have been...