Search results

  1. trigger reid

    what eats hair algea?

    yeah turbo snails will take care of algaeon glass but hermit crabs take care of my algae
  2. trigger reid

    25 gal

    what kinda fish
  3. trigger reid

    Almost have my list...what else??

    well that is practicaly what i have 2 perculas 11 hermits and goin to get two more fish to and i have a coral banded shrimp well i dont think your will need a power head because you tank is small and you should only have a filter. just do 30% water changes every three weeks and you should be...
  4. trigger reid

    to clean sand or not to clean

    no you dont have to clean you sand i never do and i have had tanks running for two years with no problems
  5. trigger reid

    Fish HELP!!!!!!!

    i wonder if its ick or as the one post with the valentini that died a weird bug
  6. trigger reid

    What's in your tanks?

    25 gal FOWLR -30 pound fiji live rock -2 inch sand bed -2 false percula clowns -11 blue leged hermit crabs -1 coral banded shrimp -2 turbo snails the only prob i have in my tank is an algae prob and my coral banded shrimp ate won of my hermits
  7. trigger reid

    clowns gender

    is there any special features on a percula clown to tell wether it is a male or female? :confused:
  8. trigger reid

    anenome pics

    can you post pics of anenomes and possibly a clown fish in it and tell me what kind of anenome reid:)
  9. trigger reid

    25 gal

  10. trigger reid

    25 gal

    i have like 30 pound of live rock and my sand bed is like 3 inches thick
  11. trigger reid

    anenome and clownfish

    do you recomend any certain anenome for clownfish and what things should you have in your tank so it will be healthy
  12. trigger reid

    undulate trigger

    i am getting a 90 gallon tank with a undulate trigger from about 5-9 inches and i am going to get three power heads, 1 filter and a protien skimmer i would get a sump but i dont think i will need one because i have a small bio load do you think this is a good setup
  13. trigger reid

    25 gal

    i have a 25 gallon that i just got some new fish in i have two percula clowns(hoping for third) a coral banded shrimp and ten blue leged hermits what else could i put in the tank like could i put any urchins or starfish ect.....? and i would like more fish that could swim in schools thanks for...
  14. trigger reid

    percula clown

  15. trigger reid

    coral banded shrimp

    i have a coral banded shrimp and during the molt it lost its arms i know it will grow back but do you know why it lost its arm
  16. trigger reid

    percula clown

    and do you have to have any special features in your tank for breading percula clowns
  17. trigger reid

    percula clown

    can you breas any other clownfish like tamato clowns
  18. trigger reid

    percula clown

    is i true that you can succesfully breed percula clown fish?
  19. trigger reid

    zoe and garlic

    what are the benifet differences between zoe and garlic and what are there benifets
  20. trigger reid

    Glass Top and Water Top Off

    its ok because the water vapour just goes to the top of the glass then when it gets to much water vapour and gets to heavy it just falls back into the tank so no its not bad to have a glass top its actually helpfull because you dont have to do water top off as much