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  1. trigger reid

    feeding stick

    you might wanna be careful with the wire in case is cuts the fish when your feeding them so put some plastic tubing at the ends of the wire so i doesnt harm the fish
  2. trigger reid

    45 gal

    my 45 gal is going to be set up soon when i get it the fish i will have in it will be 2 snowflake eels 1 small niger trigger would there be any problems between the snowflake eels
  3. trigger reid

    Stocking a 270

    yah but i havent heard from many people who have been able to keep moorish idols alive because they sometimes stop eating so i would minus the moorish idol because it will probly die even though they are beautiful
  4. trigger reid

    Dead fish

    you can cycle by puting a piece of food in to get all you perimeters going
  5. trigger reid

    eel ?

    yah i dont think they would harm anemones but i wouldnt trust them with corals
  6. trigger reid

    Picasso & Undulate triggers Vs. Choco Chip *

    yah i used to have and undulate and i trusted nothing with it its better to keep it alone
  7. trigger reid

    What would you put in a 125g

    clown trigger,dogface puffer, niger trigger,snowflake eel, panther grouper
  8. trigger reid

    List Your Fish.

    my 25 gal tank ( soon all these fish in 45) - two percula clowns -1 coral beauty -20 hermits -2 turbo snails what makes me mad is my clowns are bighting my coral beauties fins and they are all cut.
  9. trigger reid

    Where is your tank located??

    mine is in my room on my treasure chest that i cant open until i get a stand
  10. trigger reid


    i only run mine for seven hours from about 4:00pm to 10:00 pm because of algae growth
  11. trigger reid

    Little Nemo - I'm Psyched!!!!!

    what are you going to do with them if some of the other ones from the other egg laying survive cause i heard that more than two clowns could cause death and stress
  12. trigger reid

    What salt mix do you use?

    instant ocean
  13. trigger reid

    How many fish?

    dont add your fish all at once wait and add them slowly but i dont think a naso tang will last long in a 37 i think minimum is like 125 gal for them good luck reid
  14. trigger reid

    Adding fish

    i would say thats a little much i would go wit the two clowns the bangaii and the clown goby thats it
  15. trigger reid


  16. trigger reid

    10 gal reef

    are they hard to take care of
  17. trigger reid

    puffer I.D.

    it could be a stars and stripes
  18. trigger reid

    10 gal reef

    i am getting a 10 gL mini reef but dont know what to put in it i was thinking one clown and some inverts. what should i put in it?
  19. trigger reid

    Pics of tank's

    hey beach bum what kind of trigger is that is huge and what do you all have in that tank
  20. trigger reid

    How much LR?

    yah i would go with a clown adn some inverts and thats it i would go with 1 lb per gallon or more